Learned pessimism or stubborn optimism? - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Learned pessimism or stubborn optimism?


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Optimisim In Reverse Mortgage Business

Optimisim In Reverse Mortgage Business

The trick is not so much achieving your goals but learning to overcome defeat. It may sound strange but this holds more value than achieving goals themselves. A personal & industry perspective in this week’s edition.


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  1. So much truth in this.. Thanks for the post. Our industry has been hammered so badly that it does take a toll on our perspective in life.
    Moving on….

    • Lakshmi,

      Glad to count you and others as my fellow colleagues. Moving forward together to better days.

  2. It is hard to remain optimistic in a falling market. I remember a few years ago when remarks were being made at NRMLA conferences by some of “the optimists” of today which went: “I did not get into this industry to see it go and stay under 100,000 endorsements per year.”

    Well, here we are and here we will stay for at least this fiscal year and perhaps longer. The worse thing is it may get worse before it gets better.

    It is my position that the need is to find ways to survive while finding new avenues of business. I just hate it when something like the new California law penalizing insurance producers for selling non-casualty insurance and annuities in California occurs and seemingly shuts down a new avenue of activity which could harm some seniors but would in all likelihood help far, far more than it could hurt. Well, for now, onward and upward,

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