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3 Questions To Ask Yourself…



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Purpose Of A Reverse Mortgage Career

The Big Purpose Of Our Career

Rekindle The Passion For What We Do
We can get so busy as reverse professionals that we can lose sight of the big picture. There are three questions we should ask ourselves. What do I LOVE to do is just one. Despite the framework of our job descriptions we can find passion…. See the three questions in the video.


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  1. Thank you for all that you do,Shannon. You provide very valuable insight and information for all of us that strive to be the best at what we do, and that is to serve our mature clients.

    • Your welcome Kevin. I find myself easily losing focus but when we fixate on what we love to do it re-energizes our passion for working with senior homeowners.

  2. Sometimes doing what we enjoy and what we believe is right will not generate admiration or the adoration of those we work with but if we are true to our feelings and belief we will step forward anyway.

    I have a friend in another state who felt very strong about taking a direction most of us felt would end up harming the industry. Some of us thought his idea was good but he did not have enough verification and controls in the his business model and plan to avoid headline risk. Rather than going back and tweaking his model, he got made and threw it away. Today he is resentful and is an industry detractor.

    If the gentleman had asked himself the three questions you presented, what he had in mind might have had a very positive result not only for the industry but for him as well. Losing sight of our goals because of temporary setbacks can be ruinous.

    As usual, some great thoughts to ponder over the weekend. Hope you had a great Fourth!

  3. Shannon, I have watched your weekly reports for some time now and find myself looking forward to each Friday for the next report. You are doing a wonderful job and I urge you to please keep up your great insights. Thank you for taking lead on subjects vital to our Industry.You are one fine asset to us!!!!

    • Michael,

      You’re welcome and I am most humbled by your kind words.Glad to be working in this community of professionals like yourself.

  4. Great insight – the VERY Reminder I needed this Monday morning. Keep up the good work.

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