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Title tools, technology & current trends


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We spoke with Allisa Scott Prieto of Premier Reverse Closings. Watch as we discuss new technologies, online title tools, off-site signings and closing ratios. Title companies like PRC do more than issue policies but also provide a wealth of research tools for the reverse mortgage professional.


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  1. The idea of not even using notaries to go to an app meeting is deceiving. From a practical standpoint, it helps to make sure all forms are signed by all parties and signed where required but far more importantly it helps with fraud issues, knowing about repair difficulties, qualified housing issues, and many other things which are a matter of observation.

    I have used several property profile systems. What the PRC system lacks is access to recorded docs especially those which are available to them online at county recorder offices. Perhaps there is a cost element which does not permit such access or new RESPA concerns but overcoming those barriers would be a big help to the industry.

    Based on the appraisal comments regarding pull through rates, it seems the industry is failing the senior community by not diligently managing client expectations. If that is true then we are harming seniors by having them incur unnecessary costs because of our own ineptitude, lack of diligence, and perhaps our own laxity. That needs to change.

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