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Download the “12 Things” list here.
I don’t know about you but following the latest news about the fiscal cliff and upcoming changes by FHA to the HECM program I needed some perspective. Do you? If so then you are in good company. Here are 12 things we may have not been told that may help us refocus and increase our happiness quotient…OK I just made that up but seriously here are some of the life lessons we all could be reminded of. #1- Don’t stop learning….ever. Coasting means slowing down. Your ability and desire to constantly learn is your professional edge. #2- Some things must be experienced not learned…Â

Download the “12 Things” list here.
I don’t know about you but following the latest news about the fiscal cliff and upcoming changes by FHA to the HECM program I needed some perspective. Do you? If so then you are in good company. Here are 12 things we may have not been told that may help us refocus and increase our happiness quotient…OK I just made that up but seriously here are some of the life lessons we all could be reminded of. #1- Don’t stop learning….ever. Coasting means slowing down. Your ability and desire to constantly learn is your professional edge. #2- Some things must be experienced not learned…Â
This is what we know for sure. 10,000 Americans are retiring everyday. The plans that most of them made for retirement did not bear fruit. So now what,, a new plan, yes a little late in the life cycle but still very do able. If you do not have a Mortgage payment that feeling of safety improves your life style. You get to stay in your home and you will have funds available to get the services that you need as you get older. There will be a new service growing, the in home care and medical services. Keep the faith and do it right.
Very well done. Nice “refresher” piece.
It is not just that over 10K Americans are retiring each day but that over 10K Baby Boomers are turning 62 each day. Yet four years of those stats have not changed our downward endorsement trend. If that is so significant why hasn’t it made a difference since home values in many areas turned the corner over 12 months ago?
Even wheat fields run out of nutriments and need to rest otherwise the wheat farmer sees production numbers dwindle. Perhaps what we need are new fields to farm. Simply targeting seniors with mortgages does not seem all that productive right now. Perhaps it is time to look for new avenues.
As stated the other day HECMs for purchase provide up to four potential direct transactional related referral sources while Traditional (refis) only one. With a traditional only the homeowner(s) is directly involved in the transaction. But in an existing home purchase there is normally the buyer(s), the seller(s), the buyer’s agent, and the seller’s agent. When the deal is done do not just ask the buyer for a referral, ask very party directly involved in the transaction. These deals are difficult but can be referral rich.
As to financial advisers, what a great time to be in the industry. There are some great articles out there on using HECMs in financial planning. We all know the big two but there are a lot of others.
We do not need to wait until some unknown future; we can do something to make our future better now. I know this does not sound right coming out of a cynic but cynics are not pessimists nor are they day dreaming optimists. Cynics are realists who do not trust people’s motives.
So go out there and find a few new fields to plow in. You might find some ready for harvest.
Can you or Ms. Rose put those 12 items into a post? They are a great reminder for MONDAY.
I am so old, I almost forgot there were 12 and cannot recite what they were. Sometimes you have to cater to us old (HECM eligible) originators.
Just posted a PDF right under video. Thank you for watching and for your support!
You are welcome!!! Thanks for the pdf.