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How Would I Live…?


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How Would You Live a Life Without Fear?

reverse mortgage newsHave you ever asked yourself the question ‘how would I live if I had no fear”. While no fear makes for a great slogan on clothing and energy drinks, how does one live a ‘fearless’ life? Unfortunately there is no magic cure to abolish all traces of fear from our lives. However we can begin the process of imperfectly living a fearless life by taking a few practical steps each day. Here are just a few. 1- Recognize that fear saps our energy and stops us from…

Download the video transcript here.

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  1. my favorite line from a great book…”This too shall pass”.
    great message today!

  2. Thank you Shannon, I think this is a great p[eice to share with my clinets and fellow loan officers. I also appreciate the fact that you send a transcript of the video so that we can share it in written form.

    • Thank you. I am glad you find the transcripts useful…even for your clients or colleagues.


  4. Fear is an emotion we all share. No one is fearless. Some of the greatest stand up comics have shared their almost paralyzing fear of audiences. The issue is what we do with fear.

    Do we conquer fear or does fear conquer? For some reason, public speaking paralyzed me in much of middle age. Although It was there, it never paralyzed me in high school but became more of a problem in college. Then suddenly in 2007, fear lost its strong gripe when it came to speaking and has been less so over time.

  5. Fear is just the FIRST STEP into the unknown for the unprepared.

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