Hack Your Way to A Fabulous Day - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Hack Your Way to A Fabulous Day


“Have a good one!” This is the ubiquitous farewell today, whether you’re at the bank, the dentist, a gas station or the supermarket. Yet nobody ever suggests how to go about creating a good…whatever.

reverse mortgage newsWorkplace expert Lynn Taylor, who previously shared her wisdom with reverse mortgage professionals about how older workers benefit the workforce, says the way you start the week makes all the difference. Her recommendations sound a lot like what your mother probably encouraged you to do, way back when:

  • Rise ‘n’ shine — start the day with exercise!
  • Eat a nourishing breakfast.
  • Get to work ahead of the crowd.
  • Clear your Inbox and prepare for a productive day and week.
  • Update your to-do list and goals.
  • Greet your team with enthusiasm.
  • Tackle the tough challenges first, while your energy’s fresh.
  • Stay focused — say “no” when you must.
  • Visualize success, and remember to smile!

Taylor’s advice is similar to these “life hacks” for happiness. The buzz is to be:

  1. Grateful
  2. Optimistic
  3. Kind
  4. Forgiving
  5. Committed to your goals

…And to nurture your body and relationships, savor life’s joys — and not over-think.

All good, basic guidance. So let’s ratchet it up a notch. Genius Awakening suggests that reverse mortgage experts who want to build enduring business relationships and enjoy ongoing success do the following:

  • Let the Eyes Make You Wise. If you look someone in the eyes long enough to discern their eye color, these extra few seconds create a strong sense of connection.
  • Say the Sweetest Sound In Any Language. That would be someone’s name. Using people’s names quickly establishes trust and rapport.
  • Go in Happy. Altering your mental state before a meeting or presentation can make a big difference in how you’re perceived/received. There’s a reason Pharrell Williams’ hit Happy is now up to 400 million YouTube views…
  • Keep Quiet for Commitment. If your prospect wavers when answering your question, stay mum and maintain friendly eye contact. The other person is more likely to continue to respond, with greater commitment.
  • Care More than Share. In most cases, people will remember how they felt about you, rather than the exact words you spoke. If your reverse mortgage clients and prospects sense a true caring for their needs and situation, this takeaway can do more to foster a winning client relationship than pitch-perfect delivery.

What all these guides have in common is sincerity and specificity. Bringing your best self to your business, being as client-centric as possible, and using names and other identifying information is a winning combination. Have a fabulous Tuesday morning!


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  1. Great advice. We are sales people and need to be reminded how to develop basic human connections and how to grow positive responses and trust.

    Yet this kind of application goes against the two main themes we have heard about HECMs over the last decade: 1) HECMs sell themselves and 2) education is our primary focus.

    It is sales through education that is our primary focus and sales are our goal. HECMs do not sell themselves that is why there are call centers and more particularly why there are boots on the ground. If the nonsense about education was true then two thirds of ALL sales in the industry would be strictly through CDs and other prerecorded media sent out through calls initiated by the public with little need of advertising. But while prerecorded media can help immensely laying the educational groundwork, it in and of itself produces few sales.

    Ours is a people business and not part of the lectern industry.

  2. Cynic,

    Thanks for your comment.

    It is also true that the more high-tech we become as a society, the more important high-touch becomes to keep us in balance ~ especially in working with seniors.

    • Amara,

      My perception is not quite there YET for the majority of seniors but your point is an excellent observation and a point well taken since a very large (and growing) segment of seniors are there already.

      You bring many cutting edge insights to us and they are appreciated. Even when we disagree you cause me to think, rethink, and exam what you present.

      Keep up the good work.

  3. Who are you and what have you done with The_Cynic? 😉

    I really appreciate the approbation, as I put my heart and soul into crafting useful material for all of you that hopefully enriches your relationships, in business and in life.

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