Are You a Grinder? - Skip to content

Are You a Grinder?


Proficio Mortgage
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Grinder? Four Reasons Why You’ll Want to be One

reverse mortgage newsWhile watching the television show “The Shark Tank” I was struck by the hosts comment “you’re a grinder, aren’t you?”. Actually it’s a complement. A grinder is a business owner who makes growing their business a top priority and is willing to invest hard work, long hours and energy despite setbacks along the way. A grinder never treats their work as a part time hobby and respects every minute and dollar invested in their venture. As reverse mortgage professionals we have seen several loan originators and lenders leave the space. With increasing…

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  1. To make grinding a rational endeavor there must be a reasonable chance of success. For example, one could have ground all they wanted on horse whips following the introduction of Fords but soon all the rewards from such grinding would soon appear to be what they were, futile.

    There are other great examples such as adding machine makers and dedicated word processing machines following the release of the first IBM desk tops. It was in that era that I showed two of our 10K list of ten vice presidents (of a Forbes 50 company) that the need for specialized word processing equipment costing $20,000 each and for adding and other calculating machines was over. In ten months, we shrank the cost of administrating our department by over 50% allowing for more trips overseas to better manage our department.

    What we grind on today may not be what we want to be grinding on tomorrow but having a desire to grind is essential to arriving at our goals. Success or failure is in the eyes of the beholder. Our eyes should be set on achieving our goals.

    Shannon, another great topic.

    (The opinions expressed in this comment may not necessarily be those of RMS or its affiliates.)

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