Take this tablet and call me in the morning - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Take this tablet and call me in the morning


Last month, we explored more of the exciting ways technology is transforming aging, especially in the realm of health care, from online doctor visits to digital surgery and rehabilitation support. It’s the new age of old age, and a boon for anyone entering their reverse mortgage eligibility years now. But old is gold, as actress and author Diane Keaton states in no uncertain terms. And sometimes, old gold can point up what’s really important.

reverse mortgage newsRecently, workers preparing to renovate an Oklahoma City high school uncovered 100-year-old chalkboards, still bearing century-old lessons and drawings of pilgrims, math, music — and faith. While the mere mention of God or religion is verboten in secular schools today, the old chalkboards bring up an interesting point about what stays the same.

Despite the advances in and advantages of technology, our basic needs have changed little through time. Love, family, friendship, meaningful work, hobbies/relaxation…these are the wants and needs both we and our forebears have held dear — though minus the technological timesavers, our ancestors had a lot less time or energy for recreational pursuits. People also tended to die younger, from diseases we’ve since eradicated or inoculated.

Now the “grander” issue (pun intended) is often loneliness: children and grandkids live far away, or are so busy they rarely sit and reminisce with the older folks. Even when elders are in excellent shape, the key is connecting with the younger generations.

GrandPad may be tomorrow’s chalkboard: a simple, secure tablet that digitally connects elders to family and friends. Bridging Facebook, Skype and smartphones with easy to use, basic technology, grandPads introduce seniors to third millennium communication in a way that helps make memories, and keeps the existing ones intact. While some of your reverse mortgage clients and prospects may be more digitally savvy than a tech newbie, KISS (Keeping it super simple) is always a smart way to introduce something complex to people who are wary of change (whether that involves technology or a reverse mortgage.)

So while whiteboards and touchscreen technology may have largely replaced the chalkboards of yesteryear, a SMARTboard response to the rediscovered chalkboards might be, “Take this tablet and call me in the morning!”


For more reverse mortgage information, tools and technology visit ReverseFocus.com today.


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  1. “Chalk it up” to another great article, Amara.

    Those of us with older relatives know how important it is to them to stay in touch and share our lives with photos, phone calls and email. We also want to be sure they are safe and happy, and today’s simplified technology makes all this possible.

    Thanks again for all you do.

    • Dick,

      That’s so creative ~ leave it to you to write a comment more clever than the post title 🙂

      I so appreciate your ongoing support and all the great post suggestions.


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