Leveraging Social Media for Free Publicity - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Leveraging Social Media for Free Publicity


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reverse mortgage newsLike him or not Donald Trump has mastered the art of free publicity. In the past six months the powerful connection between social media and local news outlets sprang to mind as I advocated for safer driving, cyclist safety and abuse of power by local government. What began as a simple Facebook post expanded into front page coverage and television interviews. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and most media outlets are now culling through local social media pages for possible stories.

As mortgage professionals our interactions on social media are either prohibited or heavily monitored and restricted. While you may not be able to setup your own reverse mortgage page you can leverage social media which can lead to free local media coverage expanding your influence as a HECM expert and solution provider.

1. Find local Facebook pages that you can leverage. Some examples would be your local newspaper, local television stations, radio and opinion pages. Like or join these pages so you can post your thoughts in the future.

2. Engage before posting. Read comments from group members and like, comment and respond. Always stay professional yet show a warm and personable side. After you have been active on the page fo


Download a transcript of this episode here.

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