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21st Century Health Care


House calls, skin cells, bad genes and good music

In August we explored some of the new aging apps that bring medical help to seniors, rather than the other way around. Now, instead of just doc-in-a-box via Skype, several startups are re-creating old-fashioned house calls — and they’re not just for the graying set.

Companies such as Heal, founded by a board-certified internal medicine doctor, bring background-checked, licensed primary care physicians to your doorstep — even if that means a hotel or a senior’s daughter’s house, if, say, your reverse mortgage client has a health emergency while visiting relatives out of town.

Health-mindAnd at a $99 flat fee per visit _ no matter how long the doctor spends with the person needing care — these reimagined house calls may be both affordable to aging loved ones, and a boon for someone who needs a doctor to listen to a complicated medical history without the stress of a ticking clock.

When the doc isn’t needed, there’s Care|Mind, a newly launched, customizable dashboard that allows you to track a loved one’s health status in real time, from heart health to physical activity to sleep, and much more. It’s just one of the latest health-focused mobile apps that are in high demand as the aging population mushrooms. One study found that some doctors have already begun prescribing apps as part of patient treatment — and the retention rate among those who acquired an app via prescription was ten percent higher than among those who got the app on their own.

Delete genes as easily as social media posts

At the same time we’re turning on the apps, we’re getting ready to turn off certain genes, say scientists. A ten-year research project conducted by the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and the University of Washington “has identified 238 genes that, when silenced, increase the lifespan of yeast cells.” One of these genes is linked to “a genetic master switch that has long been associated with calorie restriction through fasting and increased lifespan.” The same result can also be achieved by fasting for three days, which regenerates the entire immune system.

Scientists are discovering how to turn skin cells into healthy brain tissue, and SingFit is staving off dementia by turning music into medicine. Clearly, we’re living in a new alchemical age, where skin and music can boost mental health, with lasting results.

Have these nonagenarian stars turned off errant genes or taken the skin-tissue-for-brain-health cure? While they haven’t yet shared those secrets with the public, their vigor may serve as inspiration to reverse mortgage clients and the loan originators who serve them.

For more reverse mortgage information, tools and technology visit ReverseFocus.com today.


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