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Working in Contexts


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The Hidden Secret of Productivity

reverse mortgage newsWhen switching from task to task do you ever feel like an old half ton dump truck grinding gears as you shift? There may be a reason for that.

I will tell you the truth. You will never perfect time management. That’s okay because if equipped with the right tools you can still master, but not perfect, the art of managing your time and productivity. However there is one consideration that is often missed…working in context. Beyond time blocking, prioritizing or even color coding that leather-bound calendar working in context can take your time management skills to the next level.
What is a context? It is the location or tool readily available to you at a particular time of day. Some examples are the phone, computer, office, home, errands, etc. The challenge is that technology has blurred the lines allowing us to check emails while in the checkout line, schedule an appointment in the parking lot or attend a conference call during our commute. Unfortunately this approach can


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  1. Many people have become almost addicted to their smart phones and never acknowledge how much time they waste during the day and night. It can steal valuable work time and create a lot of additional stress.

    Learning to manage your electronics can make a big difference in how much you accomplish during your work time.

  2. In the mid 1990s, several economists did a study on the productivity of the desk top computer. Their observations were based on inventions that revolutionized man’s work since the cotton gin. The presentation was over 90 minutes but in a room filled with high powered CPAs from around the country with huge dollar volume practices, no one left the room after the first five minutes.

    What was clearly shown in the presentation is that new tools had a long history of creating less efficiency in the work place for the first few years after introduction. By the end of 20 years, productivity had not only grown but was at new and dramatically higher levels. The same was true with the desk top with one big drawback, a new found addiction to games. Due to the limited number and quality of games, there was a question if that would last for long and there were early indications that some games actually helped older workers work through fear and ignorance about those new gray boxes on most young people’s desks.

    Today is somewhat different since the phone is the great new frontier of tools.It is so full of distractions one wonders if the prior peak of productivity can be reached or will excessive access to work tools create a new means of seeing the law of diminishing returns come into play.

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