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1 Comment
Good advise, but how many are actually going to do it? Holding educational workshops, as I call them, work! I used to do them all the time, I did them in conjunction with usually an elder law attorney and a home health care provider. The reason I did it this way was because we each drew separate audiences, consequently, we always had one heck of a crowd!
Prioritizing your work schedule and how your going to plan your day, week and month is so very important, as you pointed out. I find so many loan originators today don’t have the enthusiasm to do the things they have to do to be successful and remain in the business!
Shannon, you and I both know we still have plenty of opportunities out there to originate product. Sure, we have to do things differently, we need to capitalize on the proprietary products out there and we need to focus on a different type borrower.
There are data sources out there for originators and companies to go to. We have to use different demographic profiles for seniors. Seniors that have little or no debt on their properties, higher value properties ETC.
No excuse why an originator can’t be successful in today’s environment. Yes, they will have to work harder and smarter than they did, they may even have to do what we had to do 15 and 20 years ago, bust tail and do more volume!
I guess I said my piece Shannon, it just makes me frustrated to hear so much negativity out there and not a tremendous amount of creativity coming out of the mouths of many originators. Don’t get me wrong, their are many that are creative and going against the grain, those are the ones that are still successful and love what they are doing.
You and I have talked before Shannon, I am still trying to find a company that will bring me on their team, I preach the same thing I just said, am I wrong in my thinking my friend?
John Smaldone