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10 Ways to Start the Year of Right at Work and Home.


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Better than old tired resolutions

Welcome to the new year! As we begin 2022 now is the time to chart a deliberate path for a more productive and profitable year? Are we talking about resolutions? Not necessarily.

If you’re not a fan of new year’s resolutions you’re not alone. A Scranton University study found only 19 percent of those who made a resolution actually ended up keeping it. While shocking, it’s not surprising. Instead, this year let’s set some clear goals and habits we will develop not just this month, but for the entire year.

Here are some tips and suggested goals you may wish to include in your 2022 plan.

  1. Only set specific and measurable goals. If you cannot track your progress and measure your results, it’s not a goal but rather a vague wish.
  2. Create an education plan to expand your knowledge about all things related to the reverse mortgage. Resources could include Dan Hultquist’s book Understanding Reverse, online courses from a lender (when available), or pursuing The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Associations CRMP (Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional) designation.
  3. Schedule recurring time blocks in your calendar for (1) outbound sales calls to potential borrowers, (2) calls to meet area professionals, (3) follow-up calls to homeowners who’ve submitted an application, and (4) required continuing education deadlines and courses.
  4. Share your goals with a trusted colleague or your direct supervisor. This creates the accountability that’s often missing in resolutions that are not kept.
  5. Consider taking a self-assessment. The Clean Sweep Program lets you know where you are today, and the practical steps you can take to get your life on track. The premise is the cleaner your life is the more fulfilled and successful you’ll be
  6. Write down your failures in 2021. Each of us has fallen short professionally. Review your list and note what you’ve learned and what you’ll do differently.
  7. Make new connections. Friendships open the doors of opportunity. Find a local organization that you can contribute to while acquiring new skills and making new strategic contacts.
  8. Take care of yourself. When’s the last time you’ve checked your blood pressure? You can do it in almost any pharmacy for free. When was your last physical? Are you scheduling exercise a minimum of three times each week? Your health and well-being are the foundation of everything including your work life.
  9. Update your professional profile on LinkedIn, Google My Business, and any other site where your information lives online. Create a spreadsheet to keep track of where your profiles reside and when they were last updated.
  10. Schedule time with your family. It may feel strange, but applying the same care we do for our workweek for family activities is essential for your work-life balance. 

Truth be told a new year doesn’t give a clean slate but it does give us another opportunity to apply intentional planning and focused effort to improve the outcome.

What tips would you add to this list? Share your ideas by commenting below.


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