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Taking Inventory


Taking stock 

You’re about to embark on a fact-finding mission. One that should help you uncover your underlying motivations, your outlook, attitude, and perspective. Socrates reportedly said, “the unexamined life is not worth living”. With that in mind let’s have a ‘counsel of one’ and consider the following.

Why am I doing what I’m doing?
In other words, what motivates you to work in originating or supporting reverse mortgage sales? What makes you get up and get out of bed each morning?

What have I done to improve my professional knowledge?
What’s the last book you read that’s related to reverse mortgages, sales, or productivity?

What big goals did I accomplish last year?
Write down the big tasks and projects you completed in 2021. Write each one down and grade the success of meeting that goal on a scale of 1-to-10 (10 being the best).

Do I know where I’m spending my time?
Look back on last year’s calendar. Even better, look at last month’s. Do you know where your time went? What happened during those big empty blocks during the workweek? Consider keeping a time-diary or noting activities on your calendar.

What is my biggest professional strength?
What positive attribute is obvious to others you interact with? Write it down. Now, how you can improve upon it?

What is my biggest weakness?
Where specifically would you like to improve the most?

Where has procrastination robbed my productivity?
Ask what motivates your procrastination? What fears are not being faced? How can I avoid procrastination?

How’s my work/life balance?
Do you have boundaries for when you’re spending time with family? Do you find yourself often unable to turn off your computer and stop working?

If you could change one thing this year, what would it be?
A situation, a relationship, location, etc.

Do I know myself?
There’s great power in self-discovery. Knowing yourself is not to be self-absorbed but to be self-aware knowing your thought patterns, weaknesses, strengths, fears, and hopes.

Now that you’ve completed your personal inventory go back and decide which areas you will address this year. Write down a brief plan of action. Confide in a close friend making a promise to yourself and them on where you will be improving. Having completed your inventory think of what advice you would give to your best friend and then give yourself the same.


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  1. Shannon,

    This is good that you are doing this, it is needed. I am glad to see you are staying visible, we need you in our industry!

    Take care my friend,

    John A. Smaldone
    Hanover Financial Services LLC.

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