4 Ways to Get Real & Get More Done - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

4 Ways to Get Real & Get More Done

4 ways to get more done productivity

You have more to do than you can accomplish, but you’re not a machine? How do you cope? You have a presentation to prepare, a lawn to mow, a storage unit to clean, two evening social events, and the dog needs to see the vet. Ugh! 

Here are four ways to cope and succeed. [read more]

#1- Accept you’re not going to get everything done. Make peace with that fact. Move on to doing a brain dump and getting all the mental clutter of what you need to accomplish down on a piece of paper. Next, categorize where or what context you would need to accomplish the task. For example, phone, computer, errands, the office. etc.

#2- Leverage your energy levels. You know yourself very well and when you’re feeling most energetic, and the times of day you’re sucking wind looking for a cup of coffee or tea. Schedule your most demanding tasks when your energy is at its highest and your more mundane tasks when you’re feeling fatigued. 

#3- Try the five-minute rule. If you’re struggling to start a project or task commit to first doing it for five minutes. Most often you’ll find after five minutes you’ll want to keep going and complete the mission. 

#4- Stay moving. Motion is everything. Case in point. Last Saturday a nap on the couch became nearly irresistible. However, I had a few tasks I wanted to get finished before kicking back and taking it easy. Getting off the couch and in motion not only helped me get one big task is done but it motivated me to do another. 

In the end, be realistic. With yourself, the expectations of others, and your available time and energy. Practice doing a brain dump of every little nagging task that is weighing you down, prioritize and contextualize the tasks, start for at least five minutes and keep moving.

How do you manage to be both realistic and practical when it comes to getting things done. Share your ideas below. 



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