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The Power of Habit


If you ask my wife she’ll tell you I’m a creature of habit. I eat the same breakfast six days a week, wake up before dawn except on weekends, and pack for the following day the evening before.

Call it a rhythm, a habit, or even a rut but it works for me. So what are your habits? More importantly, what new habits could you build to increase your productivity, sense of well-being, and happiness? The good news is you don’t have to move heaven and earth or bear the weight of the world on your shoulders like Atlas. Just a few small incremental changes repeated over and over again can bring impressive results.

The stoic philosopher Epictetus said habits are like a bonfire. What fire will you build?

One psychological study found…

Lesson number one:

[read more]

40% of our daily lives center on repeated behaviors in nearly the same circumstance. Think about the route you take to work, the meals you eat, and the social functions you attend.  Remember, you don’t give up good or bad habits, but you merely replace them. 

In his book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg writes, “When a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision making. It stops working so hard or diverts focus to other tasks. So unless you deliberately fight a habit—unless you find new routines—the pattern will unfold automatically.”

With that in mind here are several habits to consider in no particular order of importance.

  1. Wake up early– waking up is what we were born to do, no matter how tempting our bed may be. Often your best work is accomplished early in the day.
  2. Read– Reading expands your worldview, relaxes the mind, and keeps your brain sharp.
  3. Walk– Not only is getting outside healthy, but scientists have shown the simple act of walking increases the connections between your analytical left brain, and your more creative right brain. Look for the beauty around you in the simplest things you typically ignore. Process your more vexing problems as you walk.
  4. Connect– Which is time better spent? Watching hours of television or sitting on the back patio with your mate talking for an hour or more? Make time for the ones you love. Life is short.
  5. Eat smart– Those seeking to increase their energy or to lose a few pounds can benefit by not snacking after dinner. You’ll find you’re just as hungry in the morning if you indulged the night before. Late evening eating is a common culprit in weight gain. Believe me, I’ve been there and done that.
  6. Hydrate– Much of our fatigue and even hunger is from a lack of water.  As tempting as a Big Culp or a fourth cup of coffee may be, adequate water intake will boost your energy, help your joints and muscles, and help your mind focus.

Habits are incredibly potent. They can either build us up or tear us down. They can empower or sabotage. They can inspire or depress. Take a few moments this weekend and examine your habits. Which is helping and which brings harm?

Before we part I’ll leave you this thought

“Adopt new habits. Consolidate your principles by putting them into practice.”
— Epictetus



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