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Do you wanna tell a secret?


How do you maintain mental resiliency and focus in today’s market? Share your inputs in the comment section below.


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  1. Sales and particularly reverse mortgage sales is all about making a human connection with your clients. Think of yourself more as an educator than a sales person. Listening is WAY more important than talking. People seldom remember what you say but never forget how you made them FEEL.

  2. I look back at why I wanted to be a reverse loan officer and that gives me a reason to go forward. I think about all of the people that I helped and how I touched there lives. I just persevere knowing that if I make the calls the business will be there.

  3. Keep being positive knowing that the market will pivot, get better this year. Keep spreading the word of what you do know matter how times you see people at networking events, etc. I think of the value that we bring to seniors and the many benefits they will get when closing on their HECM

  4. Continuing to treat new referrals, and former customers, the same way we’d want to be treated. I find this old school mindset is appreciated during these challenging times. Trust in our industry is more paramount than ever.

  5. I continue to build my referral network. With more available time now, I am active in seeking new networking opportunities and perhaps new options.

  6. I celebrate other “wins” besides sales, like good feedback on a presentation, a great conversation with a new prospect, or a thank you from a past client.

  7. I look to scripture to keep my attitude strong in difficult times. In Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord says :For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” It helps me when I remember that good things are ahead; my part is to keep doing the things that lead to success in my role of serving seniors with financial solutions that can bring financial peace.

  8. Shannon, I have just discovered your website and podcasts. Great material!. I am in Dallas and a retired mortgage bank pursuing involvement in the FHA HECM program. My question is this: I am looking for a company(s) that performs field services to verify occupancy and property condition on HECMs, including loans assigned to HUD as well as those not in default and being serviced routinely. I have extensive experience in face-to-face field work assisting homeowners.

    Do you know of a source that would have names of such companies?

    Thank you! Tom Hamlin

    • Tom,

      Good to have you here on HECMWorld. I’ll post your question to our community.

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