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7 Secrets to Success

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“Discipline now, Success later”

This week I learned what successful individuals have in common. Can you guess? It’s Discipline. Author, podcaster, and content creator Ryan Holiday interviewed several leaders in their respective fields and each shared what helped them reach their goal. In other words, succeed in their chosen endeavor. How do we nurture discipline *

First: Focus on the process. Once you fall in love with what you’re doing the outcomes happen

Second: recognize that the mental game IS the game. Here’s one way to play it-if we know that focusing on what we don’t control distracts us from working on what we can control and improve we know where to direct our attention.

Third. Don’t quit when things get hard. When you endure difficult tasks you are asserting who’s in charge. It could be your mind, perceptions, or emotions.

Fourth. Understand your emotions. Understanding your own emotions allows you to understand others and approach them in an effective manner. Observe your emotions rather than deny them. Distance yourself for a moment from what you’re feeling and step back to allow some insight as to why you’re feeling something.

Fifth Expand the definition of discipline. Find ways to create discipline in your daily routine. Create hacks to do the things that are hard for you such as finding a partner willing to join you and hold you accountable.

Sixth. Overcome the Resistance.  Understand that whenever you undertake reaching a goal you will encounter resistance. This is normal. Embrace resistance as confirmation that hard work is the path to success.

Seventh- seek stillness. Being fully present allows you to embrace stillness in a given circumstance or chaos. Make it a practice not to ride the highs and lows but instead find a place of stillness in the middle not getting too excited when something good happens or upset when things don’t go right.

Discipline now- success later. That’s just how it works. Where would you like to experience more success or stop failing? identify it and write it down. Next, write down these seven steps and carry the list with you.




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