4 Reasons to be Grateful - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

4 Reasons to be Grateful


A dish of gratitude

As we wind down this year and prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s time to dish out some serious gratitude for what we’ve scored in reverse mortgage lending. Not because the last year was easy but because of the blessings revealed throughout the year.


The Housing Market

First off, can we give a virtual high-five to the housing market? Despite all the craziness going on, it’s been standing strong. Home values haven’t plunged which leaves that more more equity for older homeowners to tap into should they decide to get a reverse mortgage. In fact, in many housing markets across the nation home values are still 25-35% higher than they were before the pandemic.



Next, let’s talk tech. The digital takeover has been a game-changer. I mean, who knew we would be holding Zoom meetings for client meetings or to take an application just three short years ago? Then there’s the AI revolution that recently came to reverse mortgage lending with Reachality’s Lumina which can virtually answer your website visitors’ questions about reverse mortgages and much more!


High-Interest Rates

Are we grateful for high-interest rates? Seriously?! In some cases yes. Many originators are not overlooking the positive impact high rates have on a HECM’s ‘line of credit’. The higher the current month’s rate, the faster the unused portion of the borrower’s available principle limit will grow. A great selling point for those with lower mortgage payoffs and the desire to have access to funds in the future. While there’s no denying the reduction of available funds high rates have brought us they can also be a selling point.



Then there’s you- our fellow pros in the reverse mortgage family. From sharing insights to lifting each other up, y’all rock. The support and teamwork have been next level. It’s like having a squad that’s got your back no matter what. Big thanks for making this journey awesome. This energy was evident in Nashville during NRMLA’s meeting in the conference’s first-ever Loan Officer Roundtable forum. The energy and creativity in that room was undeniable.


Closing Thoughts

Last but never least, our clients! Their trust and patience while navigating this rollercoaster of a year with us—hats off to them. Each client’s story and dream home are what keep us going. Being part of their journey is what makes this gig so rewarding.


Yes, our industry still faces headwinds as we head into 2024. Yet, gratitude is the key ingredient to bolster our resiliency.


Happy Thanksgiving!




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  1. Huh??? You are truly delusional.

  2. Test comment for website from Candice. Can we see this ??

  3. Great advice Shannon

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