The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Skip to content

The Stories We Tell Ourselves


How we respond depends on the story we tell ourselves

Every situation gives us the opportunity to tell one of two stories. We react to these situations based on the story we choose. 

We can choose to say, “That comment really hurt me!”, or “He’s my brother and I’ll choose to let it go”. We can say to ourselves, “I’ll never make my flight”, or “If we need to we’ll book a later flight and adjust”. We can believe “There’s no way to recover from this”, or “I’ve faced worse and come through the other side and will do so again”.

The stories we tell ourselves influence our happiness and mental and physical well-being. Our inner narrator will choose one of two handles in each situation. One way by which it can be carried- the other by which it cannot. 

The circumstances we encounter each day are more than a mere arrangement of random occurrences, they’re opportunities. Opportunities to improve ourselves- to further develop those character traits we know could be a bit stronger. Opportunities to boost our self-confidence in our ability to be resourceful and resilient. 

What story will you tell yourself today? What does your inner narrator typically say? What handle will you choose to grab?



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  1. The most powerful influence in the world is the things we tell ourselves that we believe (good or bad)!

    • Love this! Thank you, John!

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