4 Ways to Get Productive When You Don’t Feel Like It. - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

4 Ways to Get Productive When You Don’t Feel Like It.

How to kick-start your productivity There are days when we lack motivation for a variety of reasons. Productivity is the last thing on our minds when we feel our efforts are ineffective. Our energy ebbs and flows yet we have stuff to get done. “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do?” So what is it that you were born to do? As a father, mother, friend, or reverse mortgage professional?  Here are a few ways to kick-start your productivity even if you don’t feel like it. 

First, look for those triggers that sap your motivation and tempt you to procrastinate. It could be the task is boring, beyond your abilities, or vague. Once you’ve isolated the trigger flip the script. If the task is vague take the opportunity to clearly define it. If it’s a large project, break it down into smaller tasks and begin chipping away seeing your progress.

Second, Limit distractions. Personally, I hate pop-up notifications on my MacBook. How Apple thought this was a good idea is beyond me so I turn them off during focused work. The same goes for my email. Third, try a change of scenery. Instead of working at your home office maybe a coffee shop or the library can help snap you out of a rut. 

Third, get moving. Often our lack of energy or motivation is because we’re not moving. Americans are incredibly sedentary sitting for most of the day. This is why daily exercise doing something as simple as a brisk walk can help boost your energy levels and improve your health. 

Fourth, watch your habits. What are your daily habits as a reverse mortgage originator? Are you disciplined in cultivating relationships with professionals in your area? Do you get up at the same time every day? What’s the first thing you do when you get to your desk? Keeping a time diary is one way to uncover unconscious habits that could be sabotaging your productivity. 

To review- if you don’t feel like being productive identify the triggers, limit distractions, get physically active, and watch your habits. What do you do to be productive when you lack motivation? Share your experiences in the comment section below.  



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  1. Great thoughts, I’m a big fan of movement when stuck. A stand and stretch, walk around the block, a little sunshine does wonders!

    Another to add… Some activities we can do with endless energy, they feed us. Other activities require us to manufacture energy to get through them. Knowing the difference is a great first step, then plan your day according to actions the will replenish you and those that will drain! Instead of time management (which isn’t really a thing), consider energy management! Then track and adjust your habits accordingly, gamify the system. Cheers!

    • Excellent points, Ryan! Knowing the difference between activities- a good insight.

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