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HECM Program Improves Valuation in FY 2020
In the early spring, the American economy was nearly flattened by shut-downs and shelter in place orders across the nation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ironically- despite this massive market interruption, FHA’s most recent report to Congress on the financial status of FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund reveals significant improvement in its capital position. Is this surprising?
Yay! I got all 12 on the list. However, I had listed cash-out and rate-term refinances separately as well as construction vs construction/perm. I also included non-QM, proprietary reverse, investment property, lot/land, option arm, home equity loan (HEL), and home equity line of credit (HELOC).
Well done Dan. Being our industry’s leading educator this is good to see 🙂