Now that the surge of HECM-to-HECM refinances is behind us here are 11 practical ways to grow your business even in a challenging market.
- Review all previous leads that were short to close. See if they may qualify with today’s higher home values despite increasing interest rates.
- Find every potential borrower lead written down on a scrap of paper, Post-It-Note, or business card and input it into your CRM. If you don’t have a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), check out our Sales Engine CRM made for reverse mortgage professionals.
- Isolate and find your top 50 professional contacts. Now divide them up to contact each one every 6 weeks. You can schedule this on your calendar or CRM.
- Check in with your top 50 professionals by making at least eight phone calls a week. Keep it casual, informal, and fun- the point is to make positive contact.
- Schedule at least one meeting with a professional in your market each week. It could be a quick cup of coffee, lunch, or grabbing a beer. The point is to build a relationship or keep one strong.
- Contact your local newspaper and offer to write a column about reverse mortgages, aging in place, or the challenges facing retirees.
- Time-block recurring times each week for outbound sales calls. If it’s on your calendar it will happen.
- Consider scheduling follow-up calls with every applicant on Tuesdays and Fridays. Call them even if there are no new developments. Regular communication helps avoid unnecessary stress for your applicants and possible cancelations.
- Find one inspirational book to read. Schedule two nights a week to complete.
- Find one inspirational fellow reverse mortgage professional. Ask them if you could speak once each week. Give encouragement, perspective, and ideas to each other. Avoid the trap of complaining.
- Join your local chamber of commerce, a leads group or your local financial professionals’ group. Be a friend, helper, and fellow professional. Don’t ask for leads first. Show your value and build a relationship.
-Shannon Hicks
” todays low interest rates ” … perhaps should read ” with todays increased home values “
Thank you kindly, David. Excellent catch. Edit made.