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Self Improvement Tips
Daily Steps To Self Improvement
Wouldn’t it be great to improve every day? We can improve ourselves one day at a time if we have a road map and a clear plan of action.
Wash,Rinse,Repeat was how one of the major shampoo companies was able to double their bbusiness, by just adding the word “repeat” Great memory thought! Thanks
Great observation Bill! Very true and funny!
Thanks for the video Shannon, but it was your intro that struck me. It’s a mantra of mine. Constant and neverending improvement. That’s the key. And I have heard it put this way (which is part of how I start my day every day) – “Improve every day by just one percent. One percent. Manageable. But when you look back at the end of the year, how many percent have you improved?”
Excellent points. I like your one-percent rule.