September Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report - Skip to content

September Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report

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Reverse Mortgage News September Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report
In the Top Ten AAG remained at number one while Security One Lending jumped up a spot to #2. GMFS shot up from #23 in August breaking in the top ranks at #10.


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  1. Since HUD tabulates its information based on the fiscal year ended September 30th rather than the calendar year as this report does, Security One Lending/RMS is not only first as to total endorsements for the calendar year 2013 to date volume but also was first when it comes to total endorsements for the fiscal year just ended.

    The September 2013 report shows the top five lenders were credited with over 56% of all endorsements for the month and over 50% of all year to date endorsements. This shows how crucial this handful of lenders are to the industry.

    The other 95 top lenders account for almost 38% of the endorsement volume for the month and over 40% of the total endorsements for the calendar year to date volume.

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