Recently released numbers show a larger shortfall for the HECM portion of the MMI Fund.
Continue readingDo It Scared…
If your a business professional (which you are) or work as a reverse mortgage originator you face fear on a daily basis. The trick is how do we function and succeed best despite fear?
Continue readingBranding: Making a Name for Yourself in B2B Marketing
Reverse Focus shines as your B2B ally: by taking the guesswork out of what you need to know to build a successful reverse mortgage business.
Continue readingA Short Term Fix or Long Term Solution?
Does the HECM provide a long term solution or a short term fix to borrowers? That’s the question HUD officials will ponder as the shape the upcoming Financial Assessment
Continue readingHow to Overcome Adversity
Sudden hardships are part and parcel of life. Often hardships arise from sudden changes imposed on us from forces outside of our control. Other hardships may be the result of personal decisions.
Continue readingWhen Age is an Advantage
Dylan sang, “The times they are a-changin’,” and the septuagenarian’s lyrics presaged today’s workforce. Gone is the gold watch and golden years playing golf or relaxing on the front porch.
Continue readingMarch Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report
See who is at the top of the Reverse Mortgage Industry this month and Download your March Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.
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Where Do We Go from Here?
Will we see a substantial reduction in new applicants without the Standard Fixed Rate? We may not. Here’s why…
Continue readingThe Investment Trap
There are some things in life we’ve already paid for with money, time, energy or effort. We can fall into one fallacy based solely on what we’ve already invested…
Continue readingU.S. Cities Aging Differently
With the rate at which the U.S. population is graying, it might seem that most cities and towns would have similar numbers of elder inhabitants, relative to their size. But this silver tsunami is not uniform.
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