A Legitimate Need?

A Legitimate Need? That may be what borrowers need to show when requesting a draw from their reverse mortgage. Yes, the suspension of the standard fixed rate HECM will dramatically reduce those choosing to take a lump sum withdrawal

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Inbox Zero: Action-Based Email

Help! My Email Inbox exploded! So are you overwhelmed with emails? Let me guess, they are all parked in your Inbox. Having been there I found it discouraging and stressful to see 500 plus messages crowding my email program’s In Box

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If it makes you happy

We live in a culture where the right to pursue happiness is guaranteed, along with life and liberty. But notice there is no guarantee that one will capture the elusive gold ring among life’s quotidian rhythms.

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Redefining HECM

Here’s another definition of H.E.C.M. that is the key to us being successful business people. Hungry, Energetic, Convinced, Masterful. Hungry…hungry for…

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Keeping Your Website Fresh

At Reverse Focus, we recognize the importance of keeping your website fresh. Our website template offers an incredible option for any originators who need a web presence. If you don’t have a website, be sure to check out this option – you have a great-looking, custom website online within an hour. See how here.

New Headers

Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

For our Members who do have a Reverse Focus website, we’ve added 3 new options to the header images you can choose from. Remember, you can check as many of the header images as you’d like and your website will display a different one of your choices each time someone comes to the home page.

Social Media Options

Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

If you have social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter or Linked In), we have an option to include links to your accounts as well. Just go to the Social Media section in your Manage area, check the options you want to display and add the link to your page/account. Make sure to test the link on you site to make sure it was entered correctly.


Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

One final reminder is that we have a section where you can enter your NMLS# as well as indicate any accreditations you have to display these on your site (BBB, Equal Housing, NRMLA, etc).

I hope this helps you in your efforts to keep your website fresh and up to date!


Great Expectations: Tips for Boomer Women

The Baby Boomers are the largest group to grey as a collective in history: for the next two decades, 10,000 people a day will turn 65, according to the Pew Research Center. As reverse mortgage professionals who work with this population, you may wish to take note of what’s transpiring as they move into their elder years…

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