Spring Cleaning the Reverse Mortgage Way (part 1)


Lowering Home Closing Costs

Chucking the Extra Closing Costs
Cleaning. Few of us like to do it, yet we seem more willing to spiff up our houses for others than for ourselves. Housekeeper due to arrive? Quick, toss those dirty clothes in the hamper! In-laws invited for dinner? Polish the silver and run the vacuum!

Selling the house? Pull out all the stops. Take an old toothbrush to the grout! Replace the kitchen linoleum! Paint the exterior!

Lowering Home Closing Costs With Reverse Mortgages

While it certainly makes sense for your reverse mortgage prospects to enjoy a clean, comfortable house while they own it — and take all available measures to make it shine for sale at the right price — too many seniors make the mistake of selling one home, then buying another and applying for a HECM in order to avoid paying a mortgage in their retirement years. They’ve thus paid a completely unnecessary, double set of closing costs!

The smart move, of course, is to obtain the reverse mortgage at the time of the new home purchase. The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 created this special HECM for purchase loan, which went live on January 1, 2009. Find all the details here.

Educating Reverse Mortgage Prospects

So the ideal “spring cleaning” assistance to offer your prospects and clients this season? Reverse mortgage education:

  • When does downsizing make sense? Is it appropriate for you and your spouse now?
  • Explain why a HECM (reverse mortgage) for purchase means one set of closing costs, not two.
  • Help your client begin the process of qualifying for a HECM for purchase loan, so they can enjoy their retirement free from monthly mortgage payments.

Best of all, this type of spring-cleaning is so much gentler on older backs — not to mention bank accounts. You get the business, they save the additional closing costs. Everybody blooms like a fresh spring garden.

In Part 2, we’ll look at ways to help your clients “age-proof” their homes.

American CE Institute & Security One launch realtor classes


Contact:  Torrey Larsen

American CE Institute and Security One Lending Launch First of Series of Realtor based CE classes in Oregon

More than 70 Real Estate Agents attend recent class in Bend, Oregon

Security One Lending and American C.E. Institute have created a joint educational system that provides Real Estate Agents the opportunity to learn about the Reverse Mortgage and its impact on their business. American CE Institute has the only Reverse Mortgage CE Class offered by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to its 1.2 million members.

Realtor Classes Results

Results from the most recent training have been nothing short of remarkable. The response from those attending the class are summarized by S1L’s Regional Manager, Sharon Falvey “Yesterdays’ class held close to 80 Realtors and was standing room only 24 hours after the close of the event here are my results (please take note that I am still receiving text messages, phone calls and e-mails)

  • 6 traditional HECM leads (4 have stated that they intend to move forward)
  • 1 purchase lead
  • 1 possible recruit
  • 1 Realtor married to an FPA that stated her husband “needs” this information
  • 1 Testimonial from a Realtor that I can use on Active Rain
  • Survey results have been requested from CE director in Oregon
  • Recommendation from the CE director to the other Boards in the Northwest”

See attached link from Reverse Fortunes and American CE Institute from recent classes by clicking here.

Reverse Mortgages

“The Purchase Reverse Mortgage product may very well be the ‘Sleeping Giant’ of the senior real estate market”, stated Michael Banner-Founder of American C.E. Institute. “Record low rates of returns on CD’s, Annuities and Savings (vehicles commonly used by seniors) combined with record losses in their investment portfolios in recent years have created the ‘Perfect Storm’ for so many seniors in this great nation. Realtors having the ability to offer a mortgage product with ‘no monthly principal & interest payment’ may just be the answer to literally millions of those seniors.”

Security One Lending

Security One Lending, a FNMA approved Seller/Servicer, based in San Diego, CA currently lends in 32 states and will expand to 40 states by  2012.  Security One Lending originates both traditional forward mortgages and reverse mortgages through multiple distribution channels, including retail, consumer direct, and wholesale.   S1L is an approved Seller/Servicer with FNMA

For more information on Security One Lending:Contact us here or
Call (866) 480-4715

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The Best Brains of Our Lives – Senior Clients


The Benefits of a “Reverse Mortgage-Age” Mind

When people talk about “having a senior moment” it’s decidedly unfunny — especially if you’re the one who went to the basement and now can’t recall why. But the surprisingly good news? Our brains are more fertile and resilient than once believed — in fact, they actually peak in performance sometime in midlife, which most researchers define as anywhere from ages 40 to 68.

Reverse Mortgage ClientsIn The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, New York Times health and medical science editor Barbara Strauch writes, “Middle age is a far more important time for our brains than anyone ever suspected. This is when paths diverge. What we do when we’re on Planet Middle Age determines what the next stop, Planet Old Age, will look like. At midlife, the brain is ‘on the cusp’. What we do matters, and even what we think matters.”

What does this mean for the “reverse mortgage-age” brain? While your prospects may have more trouble with name retrieval, and their brains may not perform at the same rate of speed they did when in their twenties, the brains’ owners are collectively happier, more adaptable to stress, and actually power up, not down, to solve problems.

This is especially handy in a crisis: remember 57-year-old pilot Chesley Sullenberger III, who made a successful emergency landing of a disabled jet on the Hudson River? Sullenberger was able to call up established patterns and connections built up in his brain over the decades. One reason everyone survived, reported an air safety investigation, was the middle-aged pilot and crew: “a testament to experience.”

We live in “a strangely schizophrenic world in terms of age,” confirms Strauch. “We tell people to get out of the way at 62, yet we’ve had a man running for U.S. president, arguably the toughest job around, at age 72. We send clear messages to women, in particular, that they’re past their prime in dozens of ways by their late fifties, and yet we have had a grandmother, at age 68, running the U.S. House of Representatives.”

The Thinking of Reverse Mortgage Clients

So when your reverse mortgage clients and prospects can’t recall a name, or are a bit slower to grasp new information, remember that this is a brain more focused on the positive than its younger counterparts, more integrated in terms of its experience, judgment, and yes, wisdom, and blessed with “cognitive reserve,” explains Strauch.

Cognitive reserve means that the more we feed our brains with education and mental enrichment, from reading to concerts to Chinese lessons (as well as nutrition and exercise), the more we build brainpower throughout the lifespan — even to the extent that a cognitively enriched brain is more protected against dementia, reveals Strauch.

And a robust, age-reversed brain can also exhibit greater interest in a reverse mortgage than one that’s in decline.