The 10-80-10 Rule

The 10-80-10 Rule

Look around your company, the nonprofit you’re volunteering in, or just about any group and you’ll find the 10-80-10 rule at work.


How to Monotask!

Have you scrolled down your Facebook timeline while watching a movie? How about writing an email during a Zoom meeting? If so, it’s time to learn how to monotask!

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It’s inexcusable to say this…

11 Cognitive Distortions that will make you MISERABLE!

11 Cognitive Distortions that will make you MISERABLE!

In his book Feeling Good psychologist David burns highlights eleven common distortions that make us feel miserable. When these cognitive distortions become a pattern you will find yourself feeling miserable and cynical. Who wants that? So here are 11 distortions to look out for and avoid like the plague.


What’s Your Panic Plan?

What’s your PANIC plan?

What’s your panic plan? It’s best to have one. Here’s why and how…

The Science of Gratitude

the science of gratitude

Studies reveal the tangible benefits of gratitude

Several studies have shown the measurable benefits of being in an intentional and natural state of gratitude. Here’s what the ‘miracle cure’ of gratitude provides…