Year-end message




Sometimes even professionals get it wrong

Even experienced reverse mortgage professionals can find themselves explaining the key features of the HECM incorrectly to homeowners and professionals. What are the commonly misunderstood features?

Grateful for the Tough Times

Lessons learned in adversity are often a blessing

Six Ways to Slay Productivity Killers

Taking back control of your time

How to Overcome Confirmation Bias

The first step is knowing you have confirmation bias too

Do you want to succeed?

Here are the 7 C’s of Success

Managing your busy schedule

5 Steps to Regain Control of Your Schedule

Are you Selling or Serving?

Why the authentic approach works

I owe much to a friend who gave me Lou Cassara’s book ‘From Selling to Serving”. At that time I was a greenhorn in the insurance and financial services industry. Regardless, I attended countless sales seminars to improve my skills. I even read Tommy Hopkins “How to Master the Art of Selling” which was a tremendous help in closing more deals and substantially increasing my income. Yet there were times I began to question some of what I had been taught? Was I becoming your typical salesman?

How to get out of a rut

We all can find ourselves in a rut. Here’s how to break free

Did you forget?

Did you forget what used to work?

In the rush of life, we often lose sight of the activities that we used to enjoy and that brought us business and a sense of purpose…