Real Life HECM Tales from the Field

reverse mortgage sales stories

Seeking stories from reverse mortgage professionals

Your experiences in the field hold value in helping equip HECM professionals...


Your Brand is YOU!

reverse mortgage news

Branding Yourself – Shaping Your Image

In meeting several of you at the NRMLA Annual Meeting, I realized one thing- each of you have a powerful and unique brand. Your best brand is you...


5 Persuasive ‘Power Words’

reverse mortgage news


Words matter- Here are 5 you’ll want to start using

Words. Quite frankly I have long been fascinated with the power and nuances of our vocabulary. Here are 5 Power Words you can use when meeting with your prospective borrowers.

1- Because. One of the most powerful yet overlooked influential words in the English language. Because encourages compliance, asks for cooperation, and provides justification for what you’re asking for. “I would suggest we complete the application today because that will…
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5 Ways to attract potential borrowers

reverse mortgage news


Grassroots marketing still works. Here’s how

A little creativity goes a long way when it comes to attracting past prospects and senior homeowners in your area…


You’d better tell them upfront

reverse mortgage news


Don’t surprise applicants with the Collateral Risk Assessment

Despite her initial reluctance, one originator shared her success when she notified her applicant about the possibility of a second appraisal…


Stop…before you act

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Stop before you make consequential decisions

One of the worst times to make major life decisions is under duress. What lessons can we learn from the…


Why we should embrace anxiety

reverse mortgage news


reverse mortgage newsAnxiety: Avoidance is not the answer

If one is honest they can admit that anxiety creeps in at the most inopportune moments. The easy route is to run from it. However, many have found that embracing anxiety is…


Manage it before it’s gone: Time

reverse mortgage news


Time: Managing a finite resource

My wife’s late uncle Al always told us “make memories. That’s what matters”. He certainly did in the last years of his life. In fact, we made some great memories in our home a mere 4 days before his untimely passing from a sudden heart attack. 

How we manage our time is not just about efficiency or making more money, it’s about managing a finite resource that shapes our human experience, relationships, and our legacy.


9 Killer Techniques to Change Your Attitude


When our attitude stinks here are some ways to fix it

It’s been said our attitude is a reflection of the decisions we have made. What new decisions can we make…
