Why we should embrace anxiety

reverse mortgage news


reverse mortgage newsAnxiety: Avoidance is not the answer

If one is honest they can admit that anxiety creeps in at the most inopportune moments. The easy route is to run from it. However, many have found that embracing anxiety is…


Manage it before it’s gone: Time

reverse mortgage news


Time: Managing a finite resource

My wife’s late uncle Al always told us “make memories. That’s what matters”. He certainly did in the last years of his life. In fact, we made some great memories in our home a mere 4 days before his untimely passing from a sudden heart attack. 

How we manage our time is not just about efficiency or making more money, it’s about managing a finite resource that shapes our human experience, relationships, and our legacy.


9 Killer Techniques to Change Your Attitude


When our attitude stinks here are some ways to fix it

It’s been said our attitude is a reflection of the decisions we have made. What new decisions can we make…


What you ask is more important


Often what you ask matters more than what you say with a potential reverse mortgage borrower

Here are some new and very creative questions you could be asking. More questions = more sales!


What Netflix & Costco can teach us

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Our industry can benefit from the lessons taught in market disruption

Market disruption has pushed many household bands into extinction and created new multi-billion dollar corporate giants. Consider these example. As the internet became increasingly fast Netflix quickly crushed the brick and mortar business model of Blockbuster Video allowing consumers to avoid long lines, late fees, and limited selections. When Betamax, and VHS tapes first entered the market many in Hollywood openly lamented that this was the beginning of the end of box office movie sales. Then came online music. Napster disrupted the tightly regulated sale of music controlled by a handful of record labels allowing anyone with an internet connection to download and play nearly any song. The music industry balked, filed suit and then eventually embraced the digital revolution foisted upon them leading to the debut of Apple’s iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, and others.

Each of these market disruptions is instructive, providing us a keen insight into how industry’s resist change and fade into extinction or adapt and increase market share. While on a much smaller scale, the reverse mortgage industry is facing a similar conundrum- albeit much of it born from regulation rather than innovation.

There are typically two approaches industry’s have taken to increase their appeal to consumers: offering a plethora of products or simplified selections. Consider the…

Forget home runs…

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The real secret to closing more loans is not what you may expect

All the expertise, sales skill, and ability to influence does little to increase sales without one thing…

Friends, Adversity & Gratitude

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DjcxI-gU4AAGwHPWho has your back in the midst of adversity?

Crisis and adversity will tell you quickly who has your back, who will actually help, and the quality of the people you surround yourself with…