Time Management Goes ‘Analog’


Going Analog with a Bullet Journal Approach to Time Management

b-journalYou may benefit from adding some bullets to your life. Today most, including myself, make extensive use of online calendars on their desktop computer or mobile phone. After all shouldn’t we leverage technology for increased productivity since “there’s an app for that”?

Bullet journaling and planning is a concept whose time may have come for business professionals. Both online and paper day planners present their own unique challenges. For the most part, they make you fit into their time management methodology. For some…


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Do These Famous Habits Still Work?


Do the 7 Habits Still Apply today?

7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-book-summary-sidekick-content-stephen-coveyMost of you are familiar with Stephen Covey’s famous book on personal productivity and success entitled, “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People”. Do his principles still work into today’s fast-paced, technology-driven culture? Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

Let’s briefly examine each of the seven habits and see where they may apply in your daily routine as a reverse mortgage professional, spouse, parent or friend.

#1. Proactive. This is to focus on the things you can control and then devising a strategy to improve that particular undertaking. This stands opposed to reactive people who focus on what is out of their control and use their energy to complain.

#2. Proactive. Start with the end result in mind. Visualize the goal, reputation or situation you desire. Next, write down the necessary action steps to reach that goal. This requires prioritizing your life, which means learning what to say yes and no to.

#3. First Things First. Speaking of what to say yes and no to, Covey spent considerable time in his book outline the importance of priorities. His prioritization strategy centers on dividing tasks or goals into four quadrants: 1- important and urgent, 2- Important but…

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The Lie of Busyness


Are You Truly Busy or is it Something Else?

reverse mortgage newsIf we only had a dollar for every time we have said or heard “I’m just too busy”. I’m too busy to exercise, study, learn a new skill, etc. One could venture a guess the world would have quite a few more millionaires. The truth is being ‘too busy’ is one of the biggest lies we’ve been told.

Much of what we commonly confuse as busyness are actually repetitive activities that convince us that we are busy that do little to improve our performance. Our society glorifies the…

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Closing the Gap

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Strategy is the needed bridge between dreams and reality


On this show, we have discussed how each of us can achieve our goals, increase our productivity and improve how we get things done each week. However, there is one missing ingredient needed to realize our dreams.

Every one of you watching has their personal and professional dreams. That is, the ultimate desired outcome you desire. The advantages of achieving your goals and dreams are numerous and may include:

  • You develop a new skill
  • New experiences reveal hidden character strengths
  • Your marketability as a sought-after professional
  • Your income increases
  • You will smile more

Stretching ourselves is uncomfortable…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

An Action-Oriented Achiever

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4 Tips to Move from Desire to Action

reverse mortgage newsJust what are the keys to overcoming the obstacles that block us from getting things done? After all isn’t that what we wrestle with the moment we get out of bed? Ideas, dreams, and goals are good but the truth is actions speak louder than words. What do your actions reveal? Do your actions reflect your personal and professional goals?

The common roadblocks that prevent us from taking action are a lack of motivation, low self-confidence, perfectionism, procrastination, and confusion. So where does the rubber meet the road in being an action-oriented individual? Here are a few tips.

1. Know the difference between being busy versus productive. Sure, someone moving quickly, typing on their computer and shuffling papers may appear to be productive, but are they? Motion is important but it must be…


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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

5 Ways to Adapt to Change

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5 Tips for Reverse Mortgage Professionals

reverse mortgage news

If there is one constant denominator in reverse mortgage lending it is change. We are not alone as technology, politics and business practices are ever evolving. What is challenging is not so much change itslef but the pace at which we mustadapt.

Here are five tips to help us adapt to change. Timely considering HUD’s recent announcement this week of additional consumer protections to be enacted in the near future.

1. Acceptance. The faster we get used to the notion that everything is in a state of flux the easier we will adapt to the continual evolution of our industry. Consider for a moment how much you have changed in the last 15 years or even childhood friends. Change, while often unwelcome, is a natural part of our personal and professional development.

2. Improvement. If you’re a fitness fanatic then you already know that if you keep doing the same exercise…

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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Strip it Down

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Four Ways to Simplify & Take Control of Your Life

reverse mortgage newsSpeaking from personal experience there comes a time in your life when you actually want less than more. Do you ever look around your office or home and wish you could rent a large dumpster and fill it?

If there’s one word that describes most American’s lives it’s clutter. A mishmash of paper, trinkets, emails, constant notifications, emails, and social media clutter our life and consciousness. It’s no wonder that many are more stressed each year suffering the physical consequences of the unrelenting strain. I believe that each of us have the power to create the environment we want to live in. Too often many of us give in to letting our stuff control us. How do we identify the ‘stuff’ that clutters our lives and simplify? Here are a few tips.

1- Analyze where you spend your time. Purchase a small notepad and log down how you spend your day. Log your time as soon as you wake and be sure to include mundane activities. When you wake how much time do you spend checking emails, social media or watching TV. Could that time be better spent?

2- Ditch the physical clutter. Look at the things you haven’t even touched or used in the last six months. Chances are they are…


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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Got Skills?

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Are You Providing These Four Things?

reverse mortgage newsPerhaps quiet, unassuming and underestimated, thousands of reverse mortgage professionals march bravely into the world of sales, that is the art of education and influence. This brings to mind the quote from the movie “Taken” in which the lead character states “what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career.”

Too often sales mastery is confused with being a slick, fast-talking, silver-tongued or manipulative salesperson. The truth is each of us have practiced sales skills long before we ever entered the workforce. Remember persuading your parents to buy you that box of cereal or asking that special someone out one a date?

Here are some skills you may be using or that have become a bit rusty.

1. Active listening. The most common mistake we make is listening to respond. Instead, try listening to reveal. Focus on…

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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Five Things Your Clients Need from You

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Are You Providing These Five Things?


reverse mortgage newsWhether you’re selling a widget, service or reverse mortgage your clients want and need five things from you, their trusted professional. Are you providing all five?

It’s easy to lose track of our customer service in the rush of trying to attract new borrowers, getting loan conditions cleared and keeping your applicants committed and moving forward with their reverse mortgage. Here are five things each of your clients need from you.

1. Accessibility. If the chances of your prospects or applicants getting ahold of you and receiving a response are similar to a constituent reaching their state senator it’s time to make a change. One way to avoid frustration is to set borrower expectations early. You can do this by…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Two LinkedIn Power Tips

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Posting to LinkedIn Groups & Adding Backlinks to Your Profile

reverse mortgage newsLinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network. If you don’t have a profile the question is why. If you do apply these simple yet powerful principles to expand your influence, increase referrals and boost your bottom line.

Today we are going to cover (1) how to backlink your website in Publications and (2) how to post in LinkedIn Groups.

First, let’s talk about back-linking on your profile page. Now let’s clear the confusion of Posts & Publications. Posts are typically content you publish such as articles or videos. Publications typically link to scholarly articles but can be leveraged to provide increase SEO and traffic to your websites or blogs. First login to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile. You should be on your profile page. Next, scroll down until you see the section titled “Publications”. Mouse over this box and you will see a button appear “Add Publication”, click this. Enter an attention-getting title, enter your…

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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.