Thankful: Why We Are & You Should Be Too

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reverse mortgage newsGratitude: Why it is important and what it unlocks in our lives

Thank you for your continued support of Reverse Focus and HECMWorld. Reverse Focus was created by originators for HECM originators and lenders. That has been and will continue to be our mission. Please accept our wishes for a safe and happy holiday.

*There is no transcript of this week’s episode

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Why Should They Trust You?

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The Principle of Social Contracts

reverse mortgage newsTrust. It is the foundation upon which all sales must be built upon. Consider for a moment the level of trust required for the homeowner to get a HECM loan. In most instances they have just met you, yet ultimately they sign several pieces of paper in the promise that their existing mortgage will be paid off or that they will have access to a considerable sum of money. No widget or tangible product on the shelf to take to the register, just an intangible product, concept or benefit.

In the art of sales we can fall into the trap of second-guessing why people should trust anyone, or more precisely us. Perhaps this is not a struggle yet we should revisit the concept of trust as it will strengthen our confidence to effectively approach, communicate and ultimately close more loans. At the core of trust in today’s society is the concept of what I call a social contract…

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Stopping the Insanity

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Mental Overload & How to Stop the Insanity

Mental sludge. It’s the stuff that gums up our though process leading to a mental vapor lock or worse, the paralysis of being overwhelmed. Quite honestly this is something that I have strove to master for years and even though I’ve won several battles I have realized it’s an ongoing war.

Here are a few tips I have put to use in recent years that have freed up my mental capacity for greater efficiency, productivity and happiness.

1. Restrict decision making: Have your ever come home to say “I don’t want to have to make another decision today”? Perhaps you’re on to something. Every small decision we have to make in our daily routine taps our mental energy reserves needed for major decisions. Some examples are: what should I wear? What am I having for dinner? Am I working out enough? Planning, structure and routine can eliminate these unnecessary daily quandaries…


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5 Tips to Prepare for a Conference

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Preparation is Key to Maximizing Your Conference Experience

Conferences or annual meetings. Most of us enjoy the opportunity to break away from the typical workweek grind, expand our horizons, learn and network with other like professionals. The question is are you prepared to maximize the value you take away? A good question as many of you will be attending NRMLA’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco November 16th – 18th.

Here are 5 tips prepare:

1. Tie up loose ends. You may have to work harder the week prior to your conference. Get a handle on unfinished projects, call borrowers with pending applications and clear as many conditions on your loan pipeline as possible. That last thing you want is to be distracted when you finally arrive.

2. Email autoresponder. Use your email’s vacation autoresponder during your absence. Let those emailing you know when you will be out of town and the response times they should anticipate.

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4 Traits of Successful People

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Practical Lessons to be Learned

Success. Webster’s Dictionary defines success as having the correct or desired outcome. The trick is our desired outcome is highly subjective and personal; yet in the business of originating reverse mortgages we do have some general benchmarks by which we can measure it.s-jobs-next

In observing and working with highly-successful individuals, I have observed several key traits that often are overlooked. Here are just a few for each of us to consider as we sharpen our minds, attitudes, and daily activities.

1. Successful individuals focus on improved performance. Quality over quantity. A diligent employee or salesperson is admired in the short term but what quality do managers and business owners look for in the long run? Performance.

2. Embracing uncertainty. If you primarily seek stability and predictably you have …

3. Lesson learned. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that won’t work.” Failure is not a verdict of our value but rather a teacher…

4. Trailblazing. Opportunities are rarely handed to us. Successful individuals understand this and create their own opportunities…

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Leveraging Social Media for Free Publicity

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reverse mortgage newsLike him or not Donald Trump has mastered the art of free publicity. In the past six months the powerful connection between social media and local news outlets sprang to mind as I advocated for safer driving, cyclist safety and abuse of power by local government. What began as a simple Facebook post expanded into front page coverage and television interviews. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and most media outlets are now culling through local social media pages for possible stories.

As mortgage professionals our interactions on social media are either prohibited or heavily monitored and restricted. While you may not be able to setup your own reverse mortgage page you can leverage social media which can lead to free local media coverage expanding your influence as a HECM expert and solution provider.

1. Find local Facebook pages that you can leverage. Some examples would be your local newspaper, local television stations, radio and opinion pages. Like or join these pages so you can post your thoughts in the future.

2. Engage before posting. Read comments from group members and like, comment and respond. Always stay professional yet show a warm and personable side. After you have been active on the page fo


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Message Sent Not Received?

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We apologize for the audio issues. Apple’s latest software isn’t rendering our videos so wonderfully.

If you are married or are in a relationship you well know that the message sent isn’t always the one received. When the wires get crossed misscommunication can lead to unnecessary conflict, strained relationships and lost sales.

Each of us has an internal voice which we understand perfectly. We make a statement and we know precisely what it means, implies and the tone which we intended to deliver it. Unfortunately good communication requires both the sender and receiver to exercise care in delivering the message and how we interpret the implications. As salespeople both responsibilities rest solely on our shoulders.

reverse mortgage news

Initial engagement

Before you say word one about the reverse mortgage ask this open-ended question, “What made you inquire today about the reverse mortgage?” Stop and listen. The trick is not to pull the information from them but to let them push it out to you. Interject empathetic comments like “I see”, or “I understand” throughout to let them know you are engaged. Remember, they reached out to you so don’t miss this most important step.

Active listening (fact-finding)

Initial fact-finding doesn’t have to be a formal process of moving through a checklist. You will gather a wealth of facts by simply…


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Attitude is Everything

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Is the window through which you view the world muddy?

Several years ago I was wrestling to cope with life’s challenges. I was struggling to keep my attitude straight having just begun my career in the financial services industry. Seeking help I came across a book reverse mortgage newsthat changed my life, perspective and outlook. Little did I know I would need these tools a few short years later.

The book “Attitude is Everything” by Jeff Keller provided practical ways in which I could change the filter through which I viewed life; a good thing since I was and remain powerless to control my circumstances. Keller begins with this quote by William James, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”.

As reverse mortgage professionals our attitude, or filter through which we view the world, is more important than ever before in the wake of numerous industry changes, regulator challenges and the financial assessment. How important is one’s attitude and it’s impact on those around them? Extremely. I have witnessed otherwise talented sales teams implode due to…


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How to Write Emails that Get a Response

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Tips to Increase Email Effectiveness with Reverse Mortgage Prospects

reverse mortgage newsWhether you are working in a call center or you sit kneecap to kneecap at the kitchen table email has become an increasingly popular way to engage your prospects in the early stages of the sales process. The question is how do you get the recipient to take the next action step, say return your call?

Our source of leads for potential HECM borrowers varies widely yet some leads offer us another avenue to communicate quickly and efficiently: email. The wide adoption of CRMs or Customer Relationship Managers has given many loan originators the ability to engage the homeowner by email. In fact as the average age of a reverse mortgage borrower trends lower more prospects will have and use an email account.

Here are some tips to increase your effectiveness when communicating by email with your potential borrowers:

1. Engage early and first. If you are receiving internet leads which almost always have an email address for the prospect send them an immediately with an email introducing yourself letting them know…


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What About the Weekends?

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How we manage our weekends impacts our work week

reverse mortgage newsWeekends. Those two precious days of the week we cherish for rest and relaxation. A few questions come to mind when I ponder weekends. Am I making the best of my time? Are my weekend activities hindering my workweek progress? This week we will examine both and look for insight on how successful individuals spend their weekends.

Am I making the best of my time?

Set the alarm. The temptation to completely detach from being a task-oriented person is strong on the weekend but is it the best approach? If we don’t manage our sleep during the weekend we may simply sleep in on Saturday or Sunday. Getting a few extra hours of sleep is a worthy goal but try instead to set your alarm one hour later for weekend mornings

Are My Activities Hurting the Work Week?

One of the consequences of not wisely using our time on the weekends is that tasks and errands get pushed into our work week robbing our productivity. Try bunching personal errands and tasks for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday. By doing so you will not be tempted to take time off or leave early during the workday to complete these tasks…


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