How Would I Live…?

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How Would You Live a Life Without Fear?

reverse mortgage newsHave you ever asked yourself the question ‘how would I live if I had no fear”. While no fear makes for a great slogan on clothing and energy drinks, how does one live a ‘fearless’ life? Unfortunately there is no magic cure to abolish all traces of fear from our lives. However we can begin the process of imperfectly living a fearless life by taking a few practical steps each day. Here are just a few. 1- Recognize that fear saps our energy and stops us from…

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Keys to Building A Referral Network

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reverse mortgage newsOne Loan Officer Shares Her Insights in Building Referral Relationships with Professionals

Watch as Mary Loeven with Security One Lending shares her insights in building successful referral partnerships with Elder Law Attorneys and more in this week’s episode.

Dealing with Toxic Emotions

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Working Out Negative Emotions in the Workplace

reverse mortgage newsI recently had the privilege to take a cruise to Central America. Beyond the fine cuisine, entertainment and pristine scenery I was most impressed with attitude. The attitude of the ship’s staff who catered to each passenger’s need without complaint. Without hesitation. As a businessman this intrigued me. How could such a level of service be possible?  What forces were at work that where one never saw a disgruntled or negative staff member? Intrigued I asked and learned that the cruise line had a strict policy against complaining. Complaining not just to the guests but to one another. Author and business leadership expert Daniel Goleman said “Emotions are contagious from the leader outward”. I would add especially amongst your sales or service force.

Studies have shown that emotions can be transmitted…

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The Tyranny of the Urgent

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It’s Not a Question of Time but Priorities

Reverse Mortgage Business Tips

You have your day planned: Meetings, phone calls, emails, client appointments…then it hits us. Something urgent requires our immediate attention or does it? The phrase “Tyranny of the Urgent” was coined in 1967 by Charles E. Hummel in his short publication. Hummel opens with the question “Have you ever wished for a thirty-hour day?” Perhaps those of us , or should I say most of us would answer yes! But even if possible would a longer day really solve our problem? Most likely not. The issue is so not one of time but priorities. That is where we choose to invest our time. Such a dilemma leads to stress, self doubt and possibly health problems. Why were we never taught this in school? Hummel was inspired by the words of a cotton mill manager who said…

Blind Spots

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Three Fallacies to be Avoided

Reverse Mortgage News Blind Spots, or better yet Biases. We all have them. It’s our brain’s ways of taking shortcuts in decision making. A hard wired yet often flawed response. Some may be good as they clarify and reinforce our beliefs and philosophy while others can be destructive. To improve our efficiency and position ourselves for increased success let’s look at three blind spots we should be aware of and avoid. Economically one of our most common blind spots or fallacies is the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Here’s an example…

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Behavior vs. Outcome

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Looking Beyond Achieving Our Goals

reverse mortgage newsFor the most part reverse mortgage professionals are business people. That is we form a strategic business or marketing plan to reach an expected outcome. But are we putting the cart before the horse? Let’s step back and take a look first at self efficacy. This is the extent of one’s belief in their own abilities to complete tasks and reach goals. In other words one’s beliefs shape their daily behaviors and actions both personally and professionally. Most of our internal beliefs are shaped by experience and observation. But is focusing on our internal beliefs enough tor really affect the outcomes we want in life? Perhaps not. One of the most common mistakes people make is to fixate on the goal or expected outcome while ignoring their underlying behaviors…in other words our habits.

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Get More from Your Day

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The Art of Reducing & Managing Distractions

Reverse Mortgage News Video< Feel run down? Tired? Like life is a cluttered mess? As the demands of our professional life increase as a reverse mortgage professional we need to strip away the distractions that sabotage our day. Here are a few ways we can do our best by removing distractions. #1-  Get rid of bad habits. What habits? Perhaps staying up way to late, sleeping in late, watching too much TV. Look at both how you treat your body and what information you put in your mind. #2- Hit the stop button. Your phone is blowing up and emails flood your inbox but you have a project to complete or a loan file to finalize…

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The Law of Reciprocity

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The Powerful Yet Unspoken Rule for Human Interaction
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Reverse Mortgage News
Reciprocity. The unspoken rule that we should repay in kind what another person has done for us. It’s one of our most powerful tools in sales or influencing others. Does it work? Here’s one example. A university professor tested the principle sending Christmas cards to perfect strangers. He was amazed as he received numerous holiday cards from these perfect strangers who never asked how they knew him. They received his card and felt obligated to respond in kind…


The Psychology of Influence by Robert Cialdini  

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Question Everything

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Think Critically, Think BIG

Reverse Mortgage News

In any profession, continued endeavor or activity we can fall prey to complacency which I would personally define as a false sense of contentment when we can do so much better. In essence selling ourselves short. This is not to disregard that one should recall and account for their successes. But more to the point. How can we as reverse mortgage professionals break complacency and embrace the motto ‘question everything’? Well here are a few points to ponder.

#1- The adjustable rate product often a better choice? The previous popularity of the fixed rate mortgage may lurk in the minds of many but truthfully which is a better product for the consumer? Should one forgoe a lower loan balance, a growing line of credit or future tenure payments all in the fear of increasing interest rates? After all if interest rates increase the borrower sees no change except that their loan balance will grow more quickly.

#2- Ditch Your Canned Speech. Certainly their are some elements of our presentation we should retain when speaking with loan officers reviving transactions or receiving….