“What is the highest and most valuable activity I can be doing right now?”. How can we define a ‘high-value’ activity? It is those activites that increase our bottom line, income or sales volume. That is prospecting, making calls, addressing underwriting conditions, etc. Before you jump in with both feet there are a few considerations. One- How much time do you have…”

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Mastering Fear in a Changing Market


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Fear often is the result of change….change thrust upon us unexpectedly. The trick is not to conquer fear but master it.  The only thing that is constant in our industry is change itself but it is how we master our fears that determines our ultimate professional destiny. A look at how to face and master our professional fears

What if they move my cheese?

With expected yet unknown changes to the HECM program, FHA may ‘move the cheese’. In today’s risk-adverse environment FHA is focusing on the fixed rate product. Publically they are concerned if it serves the HECM program’s original intent and purpose. But privately one could speculate that the full lump sum withdrawals of the fixed rate are seen as increasingly risky loans to an already underfunded MMI fund.

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Attitude Adjustment

What if it was as easy as ‘flipping a switch’? There are many things that can affect our attitude. Many have expressed to me their concern about future changes in our industry. Will the changes be tolerable? Will it decrease the pool of qualified reverse mortgage borrowers?, etc. etc. It can be tough if we become consumed with these things.

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Overcoming Worry with Focus

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” said Leo Buscaglia. So why the quote? FHA Deputy Assistant Secretary Charles Coulter said in a session that they are considering substantial changes in quote- short oder-. The financial assessment is one, the other and more disturbing for some attendees was the fixed rate HECM. HUD is concerned about the vast majority of borrowers taking a full draw for the fixed rate…

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