Setting workplace boundaries

Boundaries. Seems like a negative word for some because it means saying no to someone at times. Perhaps, but each of us as reverse mortgage professionals have a full plate and little time to waste. I chuckled walking through an office last week where the administrator had…

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Become an Expert

How to become an expert. Welcome to this week’s Friday’s Food for Thought. I just watched the movie Glengary Glenross the other night. The phrase ABC rings in my head…Always Be Closing. In other words we are always engaged in the process of selling, not so much a product but ourselves. One of the best ways to brand yourself is to establish your reputation as an expert.

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Four Ways to Get More Done

Let’s get right to four ways you can crank it up it since we do want to be productive. These tips are better than working on what should be your days off, pulling an all-nighter or just outright burnout. So here are…

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