A very strange greeting card – Increase Sales

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How to stand apart this Thanksgiving

This video covers some practical ways you can stand apart from your competition and also increase your sales this holiday season. Gratitude does attract more loans.

Increase Reverse Mortgage Sales

Just another Manic Monday: Friday’s Food for Thought

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Do you dread Mondays? If so here are a few tips to help break the cycle:

  • Friday review: Time block Monday, organize paperwork, schedule call backs, empty inbox and email
  • Get back to you…. Emails requiring a response received late Friday can be responded to with “ I will take a look at this… Monday”
  • Shift your calendar (Sunday as first day)
  • If you work from home start some Monday tasks Sunday (1 hour) and prep your plan (if you didn’t do it Friday)
  • Daily voicemail