Virtual HECMs, Taxes & Goodbye to a Friend

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Weekly news roundup: January 15th, 2018

Half of US households are lacking the funds to retire comfortably- The National Retirement Risk Index dropped from 52 to 50% between 2013 and 16. The index-as calculated by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College- measures the percentage of American households that are unprepared for retirement. The bottom line is nearly half are underprepared to retire, even if they liquidate their assets over time and work until age 65. The most salient fact for our viewers is despite numerous cutbacks to the HECM, the program remains a valuable and viable option for today’s older homeowner.

The Republican tax law has received reviews- raves from those seeing larger paychecks or receiving bonuses from employers who saw their corporate tax rates slashed – and criticism- much centered on the inequitable impact on taxpayers who may no longer be able to deduct all their state and local taxes…

*Here are HUD’s new guidelines to calculate the upfront FHA insurance premium for a HECM to HECM refinance

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GAO Outlines Reasons Not to Move the HECM from the MMI Fund

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Government Accountability Office outlines reasons to keep the HECM in FHA MMI Fund

On its face, the calls the separate the highly-volatile Home Equity Conversion (HECM) from the FHA’s MMI (Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund) appear fair-minded and pragmatic, but a recent report from the Government Accountability Office cited several reasons why the HECM should stay put. In it’s role as a government watchdog, the GAO is to provide nonpartisan analysis and accountability on how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

The GAO’s report entitled “Capital Requirements and Stress Testing Practices Need Strengthening” presents arguments for both moving the HECM to the Special Risk Insurance Fund and to keep it within the MMI fund where it has resided since 2009. In recent months pressure has mounted to move the HECM program from lawmakers and trade groups alike…

Download the video transcript here.
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