Loan Payout Manipulation

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NRMLA Issues Ethics Advisory on Planned Prepayment HECM Loans

reverse mortgage newsIt’s not often discussed or quite frankly on the radar of most reverse mortgage professionals, structuring HECM loans for higher initial payouts followed by an immediate pay-down.

It’s a tricky strategy that is unfortunately employed by a few reverse mortgage lenders or brokers, strategic prepayments following a large initial loan payout at closing. In its most egregious form, it works like this: Broker A is working with the Smiths who have a very low mortgage payoff or mandatory obligations. Approaching the loan closing date said broker encourages the Smiths to take a lump sum distribution up to the 60% first-year distribution limit keeping their upfront FHA insurance premium at one-half of a percent telling them they can repay the excess withdrawals in the first month to avoid the interest charges. Consequently, the broker benefits with a higher UPB or Unpaid Principal Balance which may increase his loan pricing or commission while the borrower is convinced they are unaffected. Isn’t this a win-win scenario?

If there’s one thing history has taught us it is that ethical guidelines are born from questionable business practices…

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This is why we have the Financial Assessment

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One couple’s story highlights the rationale behind the Financial Assessment

reverse mortgage newsIn an ideal world, the government and housing agencies would not have to protect people from themselves. The truth is that is not the world we live in, especially when it comes to reverse mortgage borrowers. A recent survey by the American College shows a widespread lack of financial literacy for both retirement  and reverse mortgages with the vast majority of respondents receiving a failing score.  It should come as no surprise that some senior homeowners who lacked basic knowledge of both are facing foreclosure today.

Reverse mortgages are biting back, this according to a recent article in the Eagle Tribune. It outlines the woes of what was once uncommon; an older couple in financial crisis who are facing foreclosure after getting a reverse mortgage. The story begins with Kenneth and Sadako Miller who saw a reverse mortgage television ad six years ago.

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HECMs vs. The Establishment

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The Financial Planning “Establishment” Still Reluctant About HECMs

reverse mortgage newsTo use a political analogy, reverse mortgages are the anti-establishment candidate. Long viewed as a loan of last resort, criticized for high costs and maligned by many consumer groups as being fraught with pitfalls the new reverse mortgage continues to push against the financial establishment for its place at the table of retirement options.

A recent article in the Retirement Income Journal outlines why many financial advisors and reverse mortgage professionals don’t get along. To be fairer let’s say ‘see eye-to-eye’. Yes, despite the numerous uptick of interest in the HECM within the financial planning community, most do not recommend nor consider a reverse mortgage according to the article. “As a practical matter, advisors who don’t have mortgage licenses can’t make direct commissions from a HECM or earn a finder’s fee for a HECM referral…

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Now or Later? That is the Question

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The Cost of Waiting & Hedging Against Falling Home Values

reverse mortgage newsPerhaps it is laughable to some to even consider hedging against falling home values. After all homes across the nation have appreciated nearly to their pre-housing crash levels. How quickly many homeowners forget the harsh lesson learned in 2009 that what comes up may come down. The truth is beyond being a source of cash flow or a retirement planning option, reverse mortgages can help older homeowners hedge against the risk of falling home values. Even worse, those who wait for their homes to appreciate could end up losing a substantial portion of their borrowing power when interest rates increase.

Jack Guttentag, better known as The Mortgage Professor, addressed the considerations of waiting to get a reverse mortgage in his recent column in the Huffington Post entitled “Should You Take a Reverse Mortgage Now, or Would It Be Better to Wait?

Guttentag begins by describing the notable difference in the sense of urgency that a homebuyer has versus a potential reverse mortgage borrower. “ A prospective home buyer…

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Baby Boomer Equity Should Be Considered

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Baby Boomer’s Wealth is in Their Home

reverse mortgage newsThe new expanded definition of a fiduciary for financial advisers could expand the required discussion of assets to be considered in a comprehensive retirement strategy. Good news considering the fact that the baby boomer generation is largely unprepared for retirement. In last week’s episode we discussed the recent ruling by the Department of Labor expanding the definition of a fiduciary to include those who give investment advice on more common retirement accounts such as IRAs. Soon red flags could be raised for financial professionals who fail to look at home equity when advising their clients.

A recent article in Investment News by Jamie Hopkins explores the implications of the new fiduciary standard. Hopkins says “an expanded fiduciary standard for financial advisers will put pressure on a variety of areas in the retirement income-planning profession.” The expanded fiduciary standard may seem overreaching to some financial professional trade groups but it could help protect baby boomers from receiving incomplete advise which could cost them dearly financially or in lost opportunities.

Consider the three sources of wealth…


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New Fiduciary Rule Could Open Doors

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New Definition of Fiduciary Could Require Discussion of Home Equity

reverse mortgage newsIt is a game-changer for financial professionals and possibly for reverse mortgage professionals alike. An expected change of the fiduciary rule by the Department of Labor will place many previously exempt financial professionals under the obligation to act in the best interest of their clients, presenting all possible and prudent options.

Last June’s episode “Still Ignoring the Largest Asset” lamented the fact that many financial professionals often ignore the potential use of home equity in retirement planning despite the potential consequences. That could be changing quickly thanks to a new definition of a fiduciary under the Employee Retirment Income Security or ERISA Act. The rule would include those who work with their client’s Individual Retirement Accounts or IRA’s. Under ERISA’s rules a fiduciary extends beyond a person managing assets but also to those giving investment advise for a fee or through other compensation. Advisors looking at the sustainable withdrawals from an IRA could be obligated to bring home equity or a reverse mortgage into the conversation.

“The future is not going to look like today. The fiduciary rule is happening and it’s going to require conversations…”


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Korea’s Reverse Mortgage Program Raises Questions

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South Korea Now Actively Promoting Reverse Mortgages

reverse mortgageThe Korean Financial Services Commission announced last month that they will introduce a new set of policies in the effort to spur reverse mortgage adoption to help the elderly prepare for retirement.  Facing a rapidly expanding aging population and fewer prepared retirees the South Korean government has taken proactive steps to promote reverse mortgages while seeking to change the perception that the home is an asset to be passed on versus a pension product. The question is why doesn’t the U.S. government do the same?

Eighty-one percent of assets held by those 60 and older are held in homes or residential real estate. Sound familiar? It should. South Korean’s face similar challenges found in the United States with more pre-retirees unprepared or underprepared to fund their non-working years. Here’s just one example.

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5 Ways HECMs Ease Retirement

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5 Straightforward Ways a HECM Can Ease Retirement Risk

Jack Guttentag, better known as ‘The Mortgage Professor’ explores several ways that a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage can help ease retirement for today’s older homeowners. Guttentag’s article balances consumer education with the possible strategic uses of a reverse mortgage with five possible applications. reverse mortgage news

While numerous national publications have espoused the strategic use of a HECM line of credit to prolong investor’s portfolios the classic uses of a reverse mortgage also hold promise for older homeowners.

1. Conversion. It’s no secret. Far too many older homeowners carry a mortgage into their retirement years, often beyond their life expectancies. The burden of monthly mortgage payments is especially problematic for retirees on a fixed income wrestling with increasing living and healthcare expenses. Paying off one’s existing mortgage and refinancing into a reverse mortgage provides increased monthly cashflow and peace of mind for many. In his example the Mortgage Professor shows the typical mortgage balances that can be paid off by age and home value. Keep in mind these numbers are based on today’s low interest rates.

2. Postponement. Too often many seniors take Social Security as soon as they are eligible for payment. Guttentag writes “For most seniors, waiting until age 70 before collecting social security, as opposed to taking a smaller amount earlier is an…


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Tax Deductions & Reverse Mortgages

HECM Mortgage Interest Deductions Complexities

It’s a discussion you rarely overhear among reverse mortgage professionals, the tax deduction of interest charged in a home equity conversion mortgage. Perhaps it’s because such scenarios are not typical or it is the inherit complexities of tax law with a unique mortgage instrument.

tax-deduct-calcWell known industry pundit and financial professional Wade Pfau addressed the tax complexities of reverse mortgages in his March 10th column in Forbe’s Retirement. First proceeds from a reverse mortgage are typically not counted as taxable income. A notable advantage for those seeking other sources of cash flow without incurring the typical tax burdens associated with withdrawals from retirement savings and investment accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs and event annuities. Higher net worth individuals may employ such a strategy to avoid slipping into a higher tax bracket.

While more affluent individuals may find advantages in this strategy lower income individuals…

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Golden Handcuffs: Why Loan Structure Matters

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The Overlooked Advantages of the Tenure Payout Option


As the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage evolved rapidly in recent years it is fair to say our target demographic has substantially changed. The financial assessment was the capstone in HUD’s efforts to bolster the product’s financial viability for both borrowers and the mutual mortgage insurance fund. Today as we move toward more affluent borrowers we must exercise caution when suggesting loan payout options.

Ultimately it is the borrower’s choice but we cannot overlook the responsibility of full disclosure. Consider a qualified borrower wth a small mortgage payoff and a substantial net principal limit. This individual has shown a propensity to spend beyond their means and perhaps had several other debts. Such an individual is highly unlikely to utilize the strategic use of a line of credit for a standby reverse mortgage. In fact an open line of credit may be an enticing source of money to…


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