Confusing Education or Benefit-Focused Sales?

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Building the Bridge of HECM Benefits to Borrower Needs

reverse mortgage newsIf you ever consider who some of the greatest communicators of our time were they have one trait in common; they were great story tellers. Too often reverse mortgage professionals fall into the trap of selling first or over-educating and over-complicating the product to the homeowner. Welcome to the Industry Leader Update I’m Shannon Hicks.

With the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage becoming increasingly complex education has become essential to both inform the consumer and close loans. A recent panel of industry sales leaders at the NRMLA conference in San Francisco last month highlighted the distinction between educating and selling. “There is education to the sale, but along with it comes a close,” said Kevin Blakeney, senior vice present of national field sales for AAG. “Going into the consumer’s home and giving them as much information as possible, but not showing them how this product is going to relate to that person and help them over the finish line to take advantage of the product and sell them- that’s where fundamentally I think we’re missing the boat here”…

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Old School Marketing Makes a Comeback

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Broker shops revisit traditional marketing approaches

reverse mortgage marketingWhile the phrase ‘old school’ has been popularized in recent years by hipsters it has been with us for quite some time. Webster recorded its first use in 1803. The meaning is rooted in one returning to core principles, conservative or established beliefs and principles. A recent article reveals that many smaller reverse mortgage broker shops and lenders are returning to old school marketing methodologies..

Our industry has come a long way since its early days of marketing with television ads and call centers becoming the new defacto standard. However for smaller originating entities with smaller budgets traditional marketing not only is appealing but effective. In the early 2000’s direct mail was the rage but as with any overused medium it’s efficacy quickly diminished. This is a prime example that marketing if often cyclical as direct mail effectiveness has increased in recent years…

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A Call to Split HECM in MMI Fund

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Institute Calls to Separate HECM in FHA MMI Fund

reverse mortgage newsNumbers, statistics and figures are the backbone of federal agencies who must account for their fiscal status each year. In the wake of the housing crash housing agencies such as FHA have come under increasing pressure and scrutiny. The recent report shows that FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) fund increased $19 billion dollars in it’s overall economic value with $8 billion being attributed to improvement in the HECM portion of the fund. The Urban Institute is pushing for the HECM fund to be separated from the general fund.

First some context. The Urban institute was founded in 1968 to understand the problems facing America ranging from poverty, tax policies and other public issues providing objective analysis. Urban suggests that the commingling of the HECM fund with the general fund is providing a distorted and misleading picture of FHA’s financial status. Further they assert the most recent ‘windfall’ may not be all that it is cracked up to be. As we stated two weeks ago on this show the fund’s improvement was not attributed dollar for dollar to increased premium collections but primarily from an improved economic forecast.

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Counseling Survey Reveals Borrower Motivations

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Pre-Assessment Survey Sheds Some Light on Borrower Perspectives

reverse mortgage news

While the survey didn’t account for recent borrowers challenged with the Financial Assessment, the research does pull back the curtain on the motivations behind older homeowners who seek out a reverse mortgage.

At the NRMLA annual meeting in San Francisco this month, Stephanie Moulton, associate professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs gave industry participants a sneak peek of the survey.

The project was funded in part by the MacArthur Foundation and HUD seeking to uncover the factors leading older homeowners to get a HECM, terminate their loan or ultimately decide against proceeding with the loan. Enlisting the help of ClearPoint Credit Counseling, a leading HECM counseling agency, researchers tracked the responses of over 1,700 individuals who received

HECM counseling in the years 2012-14 with an average age of 70. The sample was divided into three segments: those who got a reverse mortgage and currently hold the loan, those who got a HECM and terminated the loan and those who decided against…

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Have We Turned the Corner?

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HECM Fund’s Economic Outlook Improves Despite Challenges

If you’ve lost any sleep in the last year wondering if the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program will be further restricted you may be able to put that worry to rest in the coming year.

reverse mortgage newsThe long-awaited FHA Annual Actuarial Report was released coincidently on the same day that National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association’s annual meeting began in San Francisco, November 16th. The HECM’s report begins with these encouraging words in the letter to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Housing Edward Golding, “We estimate that the HECM Fund’s economic value as of the end of fiscal year 2015 was positive $6,778  million ($6.7 Billion) and the insurance in force was $106.23 billion ($10.6 Billion). We project that at the end of fiscal year 2022 the HECM Fund’s economic value will be $13,665 million ($13.6 Billion) and the insurance in force will be $184.49 billion.”

It appears that after several principal limit factor reductions, the enactment of first year distribution restrictions and the new financial…


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Nobel Laureate: “The Promise of Reverse Mortgages”

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Nobel Laureate Economist Robert C. Merton Challenges Target Date Funds and Asserts “The Promise of Reverse Mortgages”

Robert C Merton
Robert C Merton

Nobel Laureates are a rare breed. It’s a very exclusive collection of experts, humanitarians and scientists. Robert Merton is an American economist and professor of economics at M.I.T. who won the Nobel Prize in 1997. Surprisingly he espouses the promise of reverse mortgages in his November commentary in Advisor Perspectives.

First Merton begins by exposing the perils of Target Date Funds, a typical investment strategy utilized in retirement planning. What is a Target Date Fund? It is an investment strategy that adjusts one’s retirement portfolio mix to become more conservative as the investor nears their retirement age. Basically an adjustment to the portfolio’s risk profile over time.

Merton states that technology underlies the promise of reverse mortgages, a financial innovations as he calls it, that can solve problems across the globe. Another challenge is consumption coupled with longevity…

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Will Task Force Embrace & Endorse HECMs?

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Task Force Seeks Solutions for Aging in Place: Will HECMs Be Considered?

Task forces are formed to address critical issues requiring a solution. The question is, with the Bipartisan Policy Center Health and Housing Task Force promote the use of Home Equity Conversion Mortgages?

imagesThe Task Force includes some heavy-hitters in public housing and mortgage lending, primarily former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros. The group is seeking input from stakeholders seeking viable solutions to help older adults remain in their homes and communities. The primary focus is on cost-effective and innovative solutions to modify homes and communities, along with heath programs, making them more suitable for seniors.

Download the full report here

“We are now taking the opportunity to solicit feedback from knowledgeable stakeholders and colleagues in three priority areas of interest: financing modifications at home and in the community for aging in place; accessing affordable housing for seniors; and integrating housing and health programs for seniors,” the BPC Task Force stated last week.

As a unique segment serving older Americans, the reverse mortgage industry should most certainly be a stakeholder…

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CNBC: HECMs a Useful Tool or Bad Idea?

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Recent HECM Changes Opening Minds

reverse mortgage newsAre reverse mortgages a useful retirement tool or a bad move for today’s retiree? That is the question addressed in CNBC’s recent article in age-based investing.

It should come as no surprise but anytime you turn conventional wisdom on its head you will get resistance from most. The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage turns the conventional American wisdom of paying one’s home off before retirement and keeping the home encumbered upside down. However in today’s world of retirees being ‘upside down’ in retirement preparedness more financial professionals and media pundits are beginning to question conventional wisdom when it comes to home equity.

The column begins by citing recent improvements in consumer protections increasing the comfort of financial advisors recommending the loan. Ironic considering that many of the HECM’s recent changes met strong resistance yet they may be the very factor  that finally expands the program’s marketshare which has hovered at a mere 2% of eligible households for years.
Rita Cheng, a certified financial planner and CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth said…

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Huff Post: HELOC or HECM Line of Credit?

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Weighing the options of accessing home equity for today’s retiree

weigh-optionsA recent article “Is a HELOC better than a HECM?” in the Huffington Post explores the question as to what type of equity loan may be more appropriate: the traditional HELOC or home equity line of credit or the Home Equity Conversation Mortgage line of credit.

In a candid statement the article begins stating “where they overlap in meeting the needs of consumers, I could find only one situation where the HELOC might work better than the HECM,” said contributing columnist Jack Guttentag, better known as the Mortgage Professor.

Guttentag outlines the key features of a HELOC including draw periods, repayment periods and the terms of repayment. He then proceeds to differentiate the two typical options for older homeowners seeking to access a portion of their home equity.


“The HELOC borrower must pay interest on line usage immediately and must repay the entire balance within the repayment period,” Guttentag states. Such obligations we know can be especially burdensome for older homeowners who typically have a fixed income. The more of the credit line they use the larger the current and future payment obligations become. Even worse some homeowners today are experiencing ‘payment shock’ now that they have entered the repayment period being obligated not just for interest-only payments but fully amortized payments.

Credit Availability:

The dirty little secret in HELOCs came to light in 2009-2010 during the early years of the housing crash and economic crisis. Few brokers or lenders informed borrowers of the harsh reality that…


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A ‘Must Have’. HECM Line of Credit Opens Doors

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The HECM Line of Credit Proves to be an Eye-Opener

Perceptions both open and close the doors of opportunity. In the case of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage recent changes have improved the program’s perception amongst financial professionals unlocking the potential benefits of the loan’s unique line of credit. Unfortunately the opportunity for older homeowner’s to fully leverage the HECMs benefits has been hampered by media horror stories, an uninformed media and strong public misconceptions. The good news is the tide is beginning to turn.

reverse mortgage news
Historically many financial professionals have eschewed the reverse mortgage believing that the loan existed to only serve the house rich and cash poor, further compounded by the notion the loan costs were exorbitant and often not suited for the average homeowner. That opinion has waned in recent years with suitability improvements limiting first year distributions, reductions in loan costs and the scrutiny entailed with…


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