Minding Your Mobile Manners

Cellphone Etiquette for the Reverse Mortgage Professional

OK, you’ve got your Reverse Focus mobile phone app. It’s a fabulous new convenience for staying up to the nanosecond on the reverse mortgage industry so you can better serve your clients. But think twice about how and when you use that phone.

In the old days, before businesspeople had cell phones grafted to their hips or ears like indispensable appendages, the rules of etiquette for phone use at work were simple: you made and returned business calls, didn’t answer the phone during a meeting, and hoped staff didn’t make too many personal calls on company time.

Mobile phones changed everything. While it’s now comical to see teens sitting together, texting the person next to them, this behavior isn’t very funny in a business environment. A professional who plunks a smart phone onto the desk at the start of a meeting is essentially announcing to the prospect or client that an incoming call trumps present company. There’s no quicker way to nix a budding business relationship — especially with seniors.

Here are eight tips for minding your mobile manners, so you’ll keep clients, colleagues and everyone else around you happy — and possibly boost business in the bargain:

1. Don’t just hold the phone — hide it. Remember the ’60s slang, “outasight”? That’s what your cell phone ought to be in any business situation. Unless you’re a head of state or expectant father, there’s little that can’t wait. And if you do keep the phone on your person, set it to “vibrate”.
2. Choose a dignified ringtone. Sure, you’ll receive non-business calls. But how will you feel if your cell starts playing hip-hop music when you’re about to meet with a reverse mortgage prospect? Not very hip…
3. Keep your voice down. For some reason, people using cell phones seem to think the person they’re talking to is partially deaf. Nobody wants to hear your conversation…and if you happen to be sitting in the airport, catching up on calls while awaiting your flight, do you want everyone around you to know the intricacies of your reverse mortgage business — or your client’s private details?
4. Be brief. Ever sat in a restaurant and heard the intimate details of someone’s love life via their cell conversation? Not appetizing. Many eateries now post notices that they are “cell phone free zones”. If you must make or receive a call in a public venue, be quick, and arrange to talk at length later if necessary.
5. Turn your phone off at all times in the following places: museums, cemeteries, theaters, dentist or doctor waiting rooms, places of worship, hospital emergency rooms — and public restrooms. You really can wait to conduct business until you’ve finished that other business.
6. Act the part. You may look at each incoming number and determine how to answer based on who’s calling, but the one time you forget, it’s a key reverse mortgage prospect to whom you’ve just said, “Yo, dude!” Ouch. Choose a professional greeting and use it consistently: “Hello, this is Jim” or “ABC Reverse Mortgage, Susan speaking.”
7. Respect personal space. When you’re talking in public, follow the dictum of the tune by The Police, “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”. Try to stay at least ten feet from anyone else while on the call.
8. Never talk or text while driving. Cell phones may not contain alcoholic content, but if you’re talking at the wheel, you’re driving while impaired — even if you use a hands-free earpiece. Texting is even more dangerous; a number of severe accidents have been caused by someone text messaging while driving. In addition, in many states using a hand-held device while driving is now against the law.

If it makes you happy

We live in a culture where the right to pursue happiness is guaranteed, along with life and liberty. But notice there is no guarantee that one will capture the elusive gold ring among life’s quotidian rhythms.

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Keeping Your Website Fresh

At Reverse Focus, we recognize the importance of keeping your website fresh. Our website template offers an incredible option for any originators who need a web presence. If you don’t have a website, be sure to check out this option – you have a great-looking, custom website online within an hour. See how here.

New Headers

Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

For our Members who do have a Reverse Focus website, we’ve added 3 new options to the header images you can choose from. Remember, you can check as many of the header images as you’d like and your website will display a different one of your choices each time someone comes to the home page.

Social Media Options

Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

If you have social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter or Linked In), we have an option to include links to your accounts as well. Just go to the Social Media section in your Manage area, check the options you want to display and add the link to your page/account. Make sure to test the link on you site to make sure it was entered correctly.


Custom Reverse Morgage Lending Website

One final reminder is that we have a section where you can enter your NMLS# as well as indicate any accreditations you have to display these on your site (BBB, Equal Housing, NRMLA, etc).

I hope this helps you in your efforts to keep your website fresh and up to date!


Great Expectations: Tips for Boomer Women

The Baby Boomers are the largest group to grey as a collective in history: for the next two decades, 10,000 people a day will turn 65, according to the Pew Research Center. As reverse mortgage professionals who work with this population, you may wish to take note of what’s transpiring as they move into their elder years…

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Retiring Retirement Myths: Part 1

While reverse mortgage professionals are on the “front lines” of the quantum shift in the way people we call “seniors” perceive themselves in the third millennium, it’s especially exciting to hear from elders themselves on what later life stages can look like.

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Senior Cohousing: Meeting the Needs of a New Generation

One housing concept that appeals to many older adults precisely because of its age diversity is gaining popularity. Cohousing is a form of collaborative housing that offers residents an old-fashioned sense of neighborhood. Cohousing communities consist of single-family dwellings augmented by common areas that serve as gathering places,

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Helping Seniors Safeguard Cyber Accounts

As online reverse mortgage advertising has blossomed and seniors simultaneously have become more technologically savvy, it’s important that they recognize how to protect themselves online. While some older adults shy away from the computer in the mistaken belief that even an email address enables a hacker to infiltrate their accounts, others are too trusting or uninformed about how to safely handle sensitive transactions over the Internet.

In addition, with the protracted economic crisis hackers have become more creative — and determined. The growing volume of electronic funds transfer has made this channel especially attractive to online thieves.

How can you help your reverse mortgage clients to enter or remain active in the digital landscape while safeguarding their assets? Here are six practical tips to protect bank accounts from digital plunder:

1. Pick a financial institution with state-of-the-art fraud prevention. Encourage your senior prospects to ask their financial institutions about online asset protection. A bank’s online account platform is only as secure as the technology behind it.
2. Look for the security symbols. Be sure your clients understand that a secure site will open with https rather than http, and that this “s” signifies a secure server. They (and you!) should never conduct any transaction involving funds, passwords, and similar privileged information unless the site can demonstrate that it is secure.
3. Secure the network. By the same token, it’s far better to conduct cyber banking transactions on a secure network, such as a home Internet account that is password-protected, than on an “open network” at a café, for example. Even if they log onto a secure site, an open network is less safe than a private one.
4. Divide and conquer. Recommend that your reverse mortgage clients keep their online banking activity separate from all other Internet business, and log out each time a transaction is complete. This strengthens their anti-fraud fortress.
5. Sign up for transaction alerts. Their bank will notify a senior of any unusual activity if they register for such alerts. Additionally, a “debit block” will prevent any transactions from going through except those that are preauthorized.
6. Upgrade firewalls and malware protection software. If they’ve never heard these terms, explain what they are — or recommend they get in touch with their ISP’s technical support team. Staying current with updates is also key to preventing a security breach.

By maintaining up-to-date online security and keeping an informed eye on their online banking activity, your reverse mortgage clients will enjoy conducting business online, and make it easier for you to serve them by providing another valuable communication avenue beyond in-person meetings and snail mail.

The Art of Socratic Selling

Do you think that’s what you sell to prospective clients in order to elicit a quote request? If your response is yes, question this assumption. In so doing, you’ll be moving towards Socratic dialogue — the key to successful sales.

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