Do Rising Interest Rates Trigger Slower Home Appreciation?

As loan interest rates rise banks & lender’s refinance business will dwindle forcing them to loosen lending standards to compete for potential borrowers. While this mostly applies to traditional mortgage lending relaxed lending standards result in more qualified buyers increasing housing demand and prices alike.

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Dial Down the Stress

Proficio Mortgage
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Not a Stress-Free Life but Stress Management

reverse mortgage newsStressed? Most of you, reverse mortgage professionals could answer ‘yes’! Many articles, blogs and speakers tell us how to live a quote ‘ stress-free life’. Personally I have never met a soul who lives their days stress-free. I call such a person a ‘unicorn’. They simply don’t exist. What is more realistic are some skills and habits we can develop to better manage and reduce our stress and its impact on our mental state and even our health. Here are few things I have used to manage stress and also am still working to be consistent with to manage stress. 1- Don’t own other people’s problems. I heard one person say ‘it’s better to work on someone else’s problems rather than having your own’. The only issue is each of us has our own pile of problems, issues and challenges. Sure you can lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on but don’t take responsibility for someone else’s issues. To do so only enables them to continue their destructive behaviors. 2- Avoid an impoverished mindset. Stress is often triggered when we feel we lack…

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