Acquiring new reverse mortgage prospects is more difficult today than ever before therefore we should stop to evaluate our customer service. Stop for just a moment and consider how closing one more loan per month would change your business and income. Interested?
Continue readingSafe At Home (Part 3): Property Protection
We previously discussed the value of a PERS (personal emergency response system) and protection from identity theft. The next question is: what are the best ways to protect a senior’s property?
Continue readingProtected: Interview with AAG CEO Reza Jahangiri
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Continue readingGeronTechnology: Oxymoron or Opportunity?
As seasoned reverse mortgage professionals understand, the key to persuading seniors to utilize any service or product designed to enhance their life is perceived benefit.
Continue readingA Case for the Financial Assessment?
The chief concern amongst many is the new financial guidelines will further shrink the pool of eligible borrowers at a time when reverse mortgage production is low. However there is another facet of the financial assessment that can be easily overlooked; reducing headline risk.
Continue readingSummer Special: Delicious Days Ahead!
Here are a few creative ways for reverse mortgage professionals to celebrate with seniors all year long: unusual monthly holidays that, with a little ingenuity, could be customized as ongoing marketing events.
Continue readingThe Apocalypse that Isn’t Coming
Reaching retirement goals requires hope. A hope for a better future bolstered by small concrete actions taken today. We should avoid any appeal to fear and sell the vision of a more secure retirement which is the greatest motivator.
Continue readingThe Mission Remains
Over the last several years we have seen HUD reshape the landscape of reverse mortgage lending. Reduced principal limit factors, first year distribution limits and the upcoming financial assessment leave some wondering if we will be able to serve senior homeowners who will truly need our services…
Continue readingSafe At Home (Part 2): Your Identity
Easier and more common ways identity thieves steal seniors’ personal information involve “contests” and, perhaps surprisingly, Medicare. Here are some scenarios and solutions to help your reverse mortgage clients and prospects protect their assets…
Continue readingA Sick Housing System?
As a reverse mortgage professional have you ever pondered the forces behind our housing market? What makes the lending world keep running? What natural or artificial forces are at play that influence home prices and affordability?
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