October 2011 Top 100 Lenders Report

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Download the October Top 100 HECM Lenders Report Here

While Wells Fargo’s trailing HECM endorsements remain in the system, we are beginning to see a pattern in the top 10 HECM lenders in recent months. Even if we experience lower endorsement volume industry-wide for fiscal year 2012 the top players will most likely see tremendous gains in endorsements as market opportunities are seized upon.

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Remaining Lenders Grow: August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report

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Download the August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report here.

Big Names disappear, survivors grow

It’s strange to no longer see the familiar name of Bank of America on the top lenders report. Wells Fargo remains because endorsements usually trail applications by 3-4 months so soon they will fade from the top 10. What’s most interesting are the large and medium lenders who have begun to grab some of the market share left in the absence of Wells & B of A.
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You can click to see our video on race for market share.

Top 100 HECM Lenders: Past Lender Reports

Each month we prepare a “Top 100 HECM Lenders” list for FREE.  Our reports will offer you more insight about the reverse mortgage business and how and where to market your business.

Top 100 HECM Lenders: This is a monthly report showing the Top 100 HECM lenders.

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