Podcast E647: Revision Improves HECM’s Economic Net Worth by $7B

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Revision Improves HECM’s Economic Net Worth by $7B

One industry observer noted a difference between HUD’s Annual Report to Congress and the actuarial review of the HECM in FHA’s insurance fund. Here’s how a $7 billion difference was found and why.

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Podcast E646: How COVID vaccines could upend the housing market

covid vaccine housing market

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How COVID-19 Vaccines will Upset the Housing Market

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed the landscape of the housing market- especially in urban areas. Here’s how COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 are poised to upset housing trends once again.

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Podcast E645: Who will be the next HUD Secretary?

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HECM Program Improves Valuation in FY 2020

A recent New York Times piece speculates who are the most likely candidates to take the helm of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in a Biden Administration

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Podcast E644: HECM Program Improves Despite COVID

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HECM Program Improves Valuation in FY 2020

In the early spring, the American economy was nearly flattened by shut-downs and shelter in place orders across the nation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ironically- despite this massive market interruption, FHA’s most recent report to Congress on the financial status of FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund reveals significant improvement in its capital position. Is this surprising?

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Podcast E643: The dangers of older parents overspending

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The Danger of Older Parents Overspending

“She was feeling panicky and angry. Her 80-year-old mother, Rhonda, had just bought another new car she could not afford. Briana explained that her mother’s funds were limited, but she kept insisting on living the life she had before her husband passed…”

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Podcast E642: A Biden Presidency? Here’s what we may expect

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A Biden Presidency? Here’s what we may expect

The Hill reports than long-time reverse mortgage critic, U.S. senator, and former co-sponsor of the legislation that created the CFPB is making her interest known in serving as Treasury Secretary in Biden administration should the Democrats prevail in the general election.

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Podcast E641: Advisors’ experience shapes RM recommendations

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How and advisor’s experience shapes reverse mortgage recommendations

Many financial professionals are very reluctant to discuss home equity recommendations with their clients. Guess which group is more likely to broach the subject?


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Podcast E640: U.S. Debt & The Housing Market

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How U.S. debt influences the housing market

The federal government is setting an unsettling new record in spending. So far this year $9.1 has been spent. One thing is certain: housing prices and U.S. Debt are growing at a record pace


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Podcast E639: Preparing Applicants for a 2nd Wave Shutdown

preparing reverse mortgage applicants for 2nd COVID-19 shutdown

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5 Tips to Prepare for Originations in 2nd COVID Shutdown

Amid predictions of a 2nd wave of the pandemic this winter, many areas of the U.S. are seeing a surge in COVID-19 infections. How will you prepare your potential borrowers? Here are 5 ways to get started.

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Podcast E638: Time to Move Out of MMI Fund

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New FHA Commissioner calls  to remove HECM from FHA MMI Fund

The HECM likely needs to be removed from FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund to stop traditional mortgage borrowers from subsidizing losses.

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