Will Dave Ramsey’s housing forecast age well?

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Why Ramsey Solutions’ housing forecast may not age well

“Right now is the best time to buy a house in the next five years. And here’s why: prices are not gonna go down”, says Ramsey Solutions, the company founded by the financial celebrity and well-known commentator Dave Ramsey. Is he right?

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Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?

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Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?

One 82-year-old woman writes a Money Sense columnist saying her savings are draining fast and she wants to know if she should move & rent or consider a reverse mortgage.

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Seniors head back to retirement communities

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Seniors head back to retirement communities after the Covid pandemic

As reverse mortgage professionals, we often talk about the vast majority of seniors who want to age in place in their existing homes. This week we bring you the other side of this issue from MarketWatch…

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2 forces slowing the housing market’s return to normal

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The 2 forces are slowing the housing market’s return to normal

The ongoing housing supply shortage is exacerbated as people stay in their homes longer than in years past. Economists have identified a pair of trends combining to slow housing market normalization.

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Home inventory levels are increasing

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Home inventory levels are rising, an industry report shows

For the first time since 2019 home inventory levels are increasing. Here’s what’s giving homebuyers more of an even playing field…

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