The End? HECM Refis Surge

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Only the Fed can end the HECM Refinance Boom

HECM-to-HECM refinances jumped 7% for HECM case numbers assigned in the month of January. The boom may end soon with the Federal Reserve…

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How Inflation Hurts Retirees and How You Can Protect Yourself

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How Inflation Hurts Retirees and How You Can Protect Yourself

“If you’re on a limited or fixed income — as many retirees are — inflation can take a significant toll on your lifestyle and your nest egg.”- Geoffrey Johnson

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5 Ways Retirement Is Scarier Than Seniors Expected

RapidReverse reverse mortgage calculator app

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RapidReverse- the mobile HECM calculator for reverse mortgage professionals

Industry educator and innovator Dan Hultquist in cooperation with Apptensity released RapidReverse. This mobile app brings the power of quick and simple HECM calculations into the pockets of reverse mortgage professionals.

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Global home equity release market could triple in the next decade

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Global home equity release market could triple in the next decadey

[Voxy News] International research published by EY predicts that the global equity release market could more than triple over the next decade…

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