Podcast E642: A Biden Presidency? Here’s what we may expect

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A Biden Presidency? Here’s what we may expect

The Hill reports than long-time reverse mortgage critic, U.S. senator, and former co-sponsor of the legislation that created the CFPB is making her interest known in serving as Treasury Secretary in Biden administration should the Democrats prevail in the general election.

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Podcast E641: Advisors’ experience shapes RM recommendations

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How and advisor’s experience shapes reverse mortgage recommendations

Many financial professionals are very reluctant to discuss home equity recommendations with their clients. Guess which group is more likely to broach the subject?


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Podcast E640: U.S. Debt & The Housing Market

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How U.S. debt influences the housing market

The federal government is setting an unsettling new record in spending. So far this year $9.1 has been spent. One thing is certain: housing prices and U.S. Debt are growing at a record pace


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Podcast E639: Preparing Applicants for a 2nd Wave Shutdown

preparing reverse mortgage applicants for 2nd COVID-19 shutdown

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5 Tips to Prepare for Originations in 2nd COVID Shutdown

Amid predictions of a 2nd wave of the pandemic this winter, many areas of the U.S. are seeing a surge in COVID-19 infections. How will you prepare your potential borrowers? Here are 5 ways to get started.

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  • California’s CFPB clone will have no authority over reverse mortgages 

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Podcast E638: Time to Move Out of MMI Fund

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New FHA Commissioner calls  to remove HECM from FHA MMI Fund

The HECM likely needs to be removed from FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund to stop traditional mortgage borrowers from subsidizing losses.

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Podcast E637: Equity Harvesting. My value’s up. Now What?

home equity reverse mortgage

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My value’s up. Now what? 

Despite economic uncertainty, home values have been skyrocketing. Is now the right time to sell or extract home equity?.

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Podcast E636: Are HECM Refinances a sign of a healthy market?

HECM reverse mortgage refinances

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Is the HECM Refi boom a sign of a healthy market? 

Historically-low interest rates have pushed up HECM-to-HECM refinances to nearly one-third of all loan volume. Originators share their thoughts on what the refi boom means for our industry.

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Podcast E635: State property tax relief has a big catch

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State Property tax relief stops with Reverse 

The State Controller’s Office has announced applications for deferment of 2020-21 property taxes will be available sometime this month.

Repayment under the PTP program becomes due when the homeowner

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Podcast E634: Here’s how to grow the reverse mortgage business

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You must have this for industry growth

What’s the magic ingredient for significant reverse mortgage growth? Michael Kent shared his views on the keys to future industry growth in his recent interview with Reverse Mortgage Daily. Plus- Shannon Hicks reveals some shocking statistics from the heyday of reverse mortgage lending.

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Podcast E633: Reverse mortgages have a new appeal thanks to low interest rates

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Show Summary

Thanks to historically low interest rates, reverse mortgages have new appeal for people in or nearing retirement who need cash but can’t afford monthly payments on a loan.

“With retirement, low interest rates usually make everything worse. They make retirement more expensive,” said Wade Pfau, a professor at the American College of Financial Services. “The reverse mortgage is the only tool I’m aware of that benefits from low interest rates.”

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