Surrender but never give up

Finding the Balance of Flow

It’s said that Americans are a stubborn lot. I would venture to add that reverse mortgage professionals are even more so. Steadfast in the face of ever-changing market conditions. Resilient in the face of adversity. Hopeful for a better future. So give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.

But there’s also a time to surrender- to submit to those forces over which we have no control. Forces such as interest rates, home values, and economy.

One person who embodies the balance of surrendering and yet without giving away his core values is Vice Admiral James Stockdale. As a POW captured by the Viet Cong Stockdale quickly learned what he had to accept and that part of him which would remain untouchable.

From his experience in captivity we have the Stockdale Paradox which states “You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”

Two questions arise from this paradox. What is your faith anchored to? And, are you in the practice of accepting the most brutal facts you face today?

Neither question is for the faint of heart, but if there’s one thing reverse mortgage professionals like yourself have proven over the years is their resilience.

Consider what situations or circumstances you need to submit to and above all project your inner self from the temptation to give ourselves away give in completely.

Finding the Balance of Flow (part 1)

Finding the Balance of Flow

Each of us has a limited capacity or reserve of physical, intellectual, or emotional energy that we draw from each day. This week Dr. Stephen Campbell looks at ways we can achieve a balance between those things that fill us and those that drain us.

Do More By Doing Less

How doing less makes you more productive!

Did you know that those who work 46 weeks per year actually outperform those who work all year without a vacation?  Even just taking one week off may not be enough. The trick for loan originators is most of you are only paid for the loans you close. So taking time off may feel like your watching money blow by, but is it really? 


Here are some benefits of carving out time to get away from the daily grind of originating reverse mortgages or managing those who do.


First, vacations give you something to look forward to. This force you to get serious about your time management, schedule your tasks, and get laser-focused. 


Second, taking a break improves your health. Is it really worth skipping taking some me or we time only to get run down and sick. Stressed out workers are 63% more likely to take sick pay and miss time at the office. I guess that trade-off wasn’t such a great deal after all.


Third, vacations improve your long-term health reducing your likelihood of a heart attack, stroke, depression, or anxiety. Let’s book that flight. 


Fourth, stepping back from work duties allows you to clear your mind and boost your creativity. Are you working on a big project? Taking a break may actually improve the quality of your work.


Fifty, just planning a vacation improves your mood. My wife and I found several informative YouTube videos with travel tips before our trip to New Orleans last December. The building excitement of what we would see and do boosted our spirits.


After putting your nose to the grindstone and cranking away there’s something special about relishing time away from the hustle and bustle of your everyday work life. Plan a vacation or stay-cation but make it happen. You’ll thank yourself later.