September 2012 Top 100 HECM Retail Lenders

reverse mortgage news

Download your September Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.

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Genworth made the jump from third to first while AAG & Security One Lending remain strong in the top 10 moving one notch. RMS made a huge jump from 40 in August to break the top 25 at 23rd position. Overall endorsement volume remains down year over year but lenders are growing rapidly due to consolidation and we should see further increased endorsements as former MetLife loan officers pipelines move through to endorsements in the coming months.

Walking away? Loan Fall Out

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Are potential reverse mortgage borrowers and applicants walking away from the loan or is it that they just don’t qualify? The question stems from a recent report from IBIS software which is tracking the number of HECM borrowers who receive counseling that actually end up with a closed loan. A first HECM counseling protocols were suspected by some as to why so many never closed a loan. But is that really what is happening? Other factors must be examined such as appraisal values, property conditions or just cold feet. Our video segment examines the numbers and possible causes and also reason to be optimistic in the future.


Required Pre-Education?

Require Pre-Education Before Counseling? One groups suggested to the CFPB that a ‘third party’ provide upfront education about the reverse mortgage BEFORE the borrower get’s HUD counseling or meets with a lender. Who would these ‘third parties’ be and who would supervise them?

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Living Dangerously

Living dangerously? That’s exactly what millions of retirees are doing every day. How? By draining their existing savings account to meet living expenses or draining their nestegg to buy a home. It seems the norm for many senior Americans. Live on cash, don’t incur debt and keep your home free and clear. The issue with such thinking is that it leaves these individuals vulnerable to financial disaster.

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