October 2011 Top 100 Lenders Report

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Download the October Top 100 HECM Lenders Report Here

While Wells Fargo’s trailing HECM endorsements remain in the system, we are beginning to see a pattern in the top 10 HECM lenders in recent months. Even if we experience lower endorsement volume industry-wide for fiscal year 2012 the top players will most likely see tremendous gains in endorsements as market opportunities are seized upon.

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Insurance fund for RMs looking healthy: Industry Leader Update

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HUD Secretary says fund backing reverse mortgages looks good…

The lackluster condition of of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance fund in fiscal year 2010 lead to some sweeping changes which included a reduction of principal limit factors, an increase of ongoing FHA insurance and the introduction of the Saver.

What changes can we anticipate when the insurance fund’s actuarial report is released this November if any? The housing market aside there are factors that have improved the overall financial health of this fund which backs federally-insured reverse mortgages.

Road block: Lack of funds for HUD Counseling: Industry Leader Update

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Lack of funding for HUD counseling creating a road block for those who need it the most

As we enjoyed our weekend October 1st came and went marking the beginning of the fiscal year 2012 and more importantly the date when funding from the government for mandated HUD counseling stops. This is creating delays in scheduling counseling and even worse may prevent lower income homeowners without the money for upfront counseling fees from moving forward. Either way you slice it, this is hurting the potential borrower the worst.

Lack Of Funds For HUD Counseling From Congress
Ironically when the government created the HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) program, counseling was a built in requirement. Why does congress fail to fund a requirement for a federal program they created in the first place? Politics aside it appears we may have some hope of seeing funds restored at some level in the future.

What are your thoughts? How would you propose HUD counseling be funded outside of the government. Leave your comments below.


Not saying anything is often times doing harm to clients

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Does the doctor really know what’s best?

What if you went to the doctor and they didn’t know about a life-saving treatment that had been used for 20 plus years and you left becoming worse? That’s similar to the situation many retirees find themselves in when meeting with financial planners who either don’t know about, or misunderstand reverse mortgages. It is a potential solution that should always be considered and presented for the client (patient) to choose.

We look at the changing perspective of financial professionals and the need for our industry to spearhead an effort to educate the financial community at large about the uses and functions of a reverse mortgage.

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Lenders see business uptick in wake of big bank exits: Industry Leader Update

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Remaining lenders are seeing something they’ve always wanted…

an increase in referral phone calls from non-reverse banks and financial professionals. Many of these referrers had sent their clients to Wells Fargo & Bank of America based on their well known brand and geographic convenience. Today reverse mortgage originators have a unique opportunity to step in and provide an attractive solution for senior service providers. Many lenders are already seeing the phone ring from those who had referred to Wells & B of A in the past looking to remaining lenders.